Be happy, rest, savor the victory...

Peace to my peoples in the world,
Limmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmm mmmmmmm
Commentary on the Lebanese situation
It'll take me a while to get this all up. I'll have a Lebanon E-culture link list up soon, too. My fractured identity is slowly rising to the surface in bits and pieces.
It might be several hours before I get this list of commentary up because I'm taking care of my beautiful neice today. ;) liminal
It's impossible, isn't it? Every time I've gotten hopeful about the situation in Lebanon, I've had to check myself for fear of influence from external parties. Now I've got to do the same with regards to internal ones. I'm really freaked out. It almost seems too good to be true in many ways. And young Lebanese who wish to feel free from the clutches of Syria need to watch their front and their back for fear of being taken for a ride.
That's right, I fear now that the sentiment and action of Lebanon's idealistic young people (including myself) will be taken advantage of by certain unsavory characters. If you visit Angry Arab, you'll get an idea of what's on my mind at the moment. His words are extremely cogent and well thought-out, but I'd like to hope there is less of a chance of us being taken advantage of...yet I haven't seen (although I'm sure there are) some young intelligent and strong leaders who are really out for a fluid national identity and for the security and peace of all Lebanese. You've got to feel on certain levels many of the personalities from the 75-90 war still operating today in Lebanese politics are pretty sketchy. They deserve a hard look. Do they have harmful agendas? Are they short-sighted power-grabbers? And of course, there are other matters to take in to hand, but I hope to get to them later.
I've had a great day with my adorable neice. Soon she'll sleep and I'll be able to get to that list I promised.
Let's see. Lebanon's future is still on a knife's edge, but this is a good development. The next step is crucial. What it will be, I don't know. But we need some fresh and clean hands in Lebanese politics today. If there's ever a time for somebody to make a move to enter the political arena in Lebanon, right now's the ripe time to do so.
My best wishes for Lebanon in this very exciting and uncertain time...
And still, I say no to violence and no to being taken advantage of by both external parties and internal old hat sectarian strife.
Peace out,
I'm having way too much fun with my neice! Ok, here goes...
- Juan Cole's Lebanese history cliff-notes style - a short summary (20 minutes tops)
- The newest addition at LBF, Mana gives you her first-hand experience at the protests in "Freedom Sqaure"
- Firas at Thermo-Police gives you perspective with his thoughtful words
- My new favorite friend in Lebanon blogger, Unfrozen Caveman Linguist with some fleshed-out posts of wisdom
- Ramzi is another gem of blogger with the best for Lebanon on his mind
- Mysterious Eve makes mind melt a mode for all that read Arabic
- Callipyge quotes a protester's sign on listserv, Assad bi Lubnan, arnab bil Julan. Nuff said, lol, check her out.
- Angry Arab is still angry...perhaps too angry for my taste these days. I believe he's putting little faith in my generation. I still love him, though. He has some important points regardless of your thinking.
- Roy Saad has a first-hand experience of the protests and some things to think about.
- Window in Lebanon for French speaking first-hand essence of the times
- The immutable Zounazar with Lebanese activism in a strong Arabic voice
- Rampurple for another patriot's view from Kuwait
- For more bloggers views check Lebanese Blogger Forum
The entire Lebanese government resigns, now Lahoud and pro-Syrian parlaiment left

All I know, there's gonna be a party in Ain El Rimaneh tonight.
Ok, the entire Lebanese government has resigned. Of course, that leaves Emile Lahoud as president and the mostly Pro-Syrian parlaiment members in place. Now, Lahoud has to form a new government. The fight isn't over yet, in other words. Will he really be able to form a new government in such conditions? And if he forms it, will it be obvious that it's another Pro-Syrian puppet-regime?
Please do not misunderstand me. I have no quarrel with the Syrian people...none at all, in fact. I have objection with Syrian presence in Lebanon and control over Lebanon's economy and intelligence infrastructure. I am aware Bush will probably count this as a gold star on his harldy used National Guard uniform. This is only to be expected. The free will of Lebanese people is finally shining...and this is the main point here.
Lebanese people are saying Lebanon will not be used as a battlefield for other people's wars. This will be a difficult thing to acheive entirely, though. But we are moving in the right direction to make sure Lebanon really remains for the Lebanese.
Now, I'm going to go celebrate this first of many victories.
How exciting is this?! What will we call this revolution? The Cedars Uprising? Or the Cedars Revolution? I'm going to think about it today and come up with some good ones. Any suggestions?

VICTORY #1: Prime Minister Omar Karameh Steps Down
I was running around the house trying to get to the computer to post this!
I'm so happy I have eggs on the oven...I will have more later!
Thousands rally in Beirut, Pre-empting the protest ban tomorrow!

Thousands of demonstrators shouting "Syria Out!" rallied in downtown Beirut late on Sunday after opposition movements vowed to defy a ban on public demonstrations.
Youngsters carrying the Lebanese flag converged on Martyrs' Square, where the opposition has called for a peaceful sit-in on Monday in defiance of the ban, which comes into force at 0300 GMT.
"We are going to hand out blankets, we are staying here," one of the demonstrators said by loudspeaker.
Hundreds of heavily armed troops deployed with jeeps and trucks at all the main crossroads leading to the square.
And hundreds of protesters stopped from getting to the square blocked nearby crossings, some of them shouting: "We don't want any other army than the Lebanese army!"
Interior Minister Sulaiman Franjieh earlier on Sunday outlawed all public demonstrations.
The minister said the ban was "due to the current circumstances, in the supreme national interest and with a view to the requirements of protecting civil peace".
"Protecting civil peace..." Yea, right. And I'm irreverent because I don't like you personally...not because I wish all peoples to be free and not subjugated to occupations and torture. There's no reason for Syria to be in Lebanon any more. I don't know a single Lebanese person that does not wish they would just leave. Enough! Khallas!
It's poetry to see Lebanese people uniting and helping themselves!
How I wish I was there
With you on FREEDOM Square
I send you my best tonight
My spirit will join the fight
L to the L

Syria Did It
Power to the Lebanese in Lebanon.
There'll be demonstrations tomorrow in Beirut. It could get nasty. And if it does, we'll know it's their fault too.
If you get the chance...
Thank you,
Max Ehrmann sums it up in Desiderata
Go placidly amid the noise and haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible without surrender
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons,
they are vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain and bitter;
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs;
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals;
and everywhere life is full of heroism.
Be yourself.
Especially, do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love;
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment
it is as perennial as the grass.
Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be,
and whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful.
Strive to be happy.
A shout out thanks to Johnny Depp for bringing it to my attention.
;) liminal
Who is your daddy, and what does he do?

News emerges Blair was Georgie's female dog as early as April 2002.
How much do you love daddy now?

The Right Wing Echo Chamber on Video
If William Faulkner were writing on the Bush White House

William Faulkner
February 23, 2005
Down the hall, under the chandelier, I could see them talking. They were walking toward me and Dick's face was white, and he stopped and gave a piece of paper to Rummy, and Rummy looked at the piece of paper and shook his head. He gave the paper back to Dick and Dick shook his head. They disappeared and then they were standing right next to me.
"Georgie's going to walk down to the Oval Office with me," Dick said.
"I just hope you got him all good and ready this time," Rummy said.
"Hush now," Dick said. "This aint no laughing matter. He know lot more than folks think." Dick patted me on the back good and hard. "Come on now, Georgie," Dick said. "Never mind you, Rummy."
The Administration and the Fury - If William Faulkner were writing on the Bush White House. By Sam Apple
Feeling Iraq'd?

Yet another spin-off of Punk'd has been out for some time, yet I've just noticed it.
The New Republic Online presents Iraq'd. They provide the best explanation of its purpose, which I've posted here. But it's a blog you should check out.
WHAT IS IRAQ'D?: If you're a pro-war liberal, chances are you're probably feeling burned right now. The case for the Iraq war rested on three pillars: The danger of Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction, with the clock ticking on a nuclear capability; the danger of Saddam Hussein's connections to Al Qaeda; and the human rights imperative of deposing one of the world's most despicable regimes and assisting newly-freed Iraqis in building a democracy. Well, it turns out that Saddam didn't have much in the way of WMD, or even ongoing WMD programs. And it also appears that his ties to Al Qaeda were tenuous at best. So all that's left for the war rationale is the human-rights-and-democracy argument, which for liberals is intuitively appealing (or should be). But then along comes the Bush administration's November 15 Agreement to relinquish sovereignty by June 30, which tells the Iraqis that, owing to election-year considerations, the United States can't be bothered right now to midwife a democracy. You might say you've been Iraq'd.
And no one is more Iraq'd right now than the Iraqis themselves. It's no accident that, as soon as the Coalition Provisional Authority announced its withdrawal plan, the various Iraqi factions immediately began pressing for their maximal demands: The Kurds want autonomy, an internal militia, and the oil-rich city of Kirkuk; the Shia want direct elections to the body that will assume sovereignty, in order to guard against their disenfranchisement; the Sunnis are resisting elections because they fear disenfranchisement by the numerically-superior Shia; our handpicked Iraqi Governing Council, distrusted by the broader Shia and Sunni populations, is agitating to keep its hold on power. Each faction is fighting hard to impose facts on the ground because it can no longer count on the United States sticking around to ensure that all segments of Iraqi society are represented in a future Iraqi democracy.
One of the premises of Iraq'd is that the U.S. decision to cease nation-building jeopardizes our own national security as well as Iraq's. After all, if we believe that Iraqi democracy would be a model for the region, then the converse is also true: If we leave behind a failing state in Iraq, then we provide Middle Eastern autocrats with a pretext for cracking down on the reformers and liberals in their midst, since they can point to the chaos in Baghdad as the likely fruit of democracy. And since Islamist terrorism feeds in part on Middle Eastern tyranny, then we're in a lot of trouble. Iraq'd will highlight developments in Iraq and the Middle East to call attention to this danger.
A couple of programming notes: This blog is written from Washington. Readers in Iraq are invited to pass along accounts of what's happening on the ground. Readers at home are invited to disagree with any and all of the arguments featured here.
So, do you feel Iraq'd?
I do. And many in my family do too.
Iraqi women live in fear, Amnesty says
Asma, a young Baghdad engineer, was shopping with relatives when she was forced into a car by six armed men. They took her to a farmhouse outside the city, raped her repeatedly and dumped her back in her neighbourhood the next day.
The incident, which took place in May, 2003, shortly after the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq ended, is now commonplace for Iraqi women, says an Amnesty International report titled "Iraq: Decades of suffering, Now women deserve better." "Women and girls in Iraq live in fear of violence as the conflict intensifies and insecurity spirals," it says.
Released yesterday, the report calls on the new Iraqi government to introduce measures that can protect women at a time of escalating crime, religious fanaticism and disorder.
I would support any possible candidate for prime minister in Iraq if they supported measures to protect women. Has any candidate even seriously brought this up? Well we know that women will be seen as half a person in the new Jaafari government in accordance to Islamic law. Sorry, but this is not moving forward for Iraqis. This is moving backwards. If they really go through with this, I'm going to puke all over this screen.
TheStar.com - Iraqi women live in fear, Amnesty says
Egypt announces democratic reform: Nawal Saadawi for President
I say, Nawal Saadawi for President.
Lets be honest with ourselves...do you think this was done on Mubarak's on accord? Nah, I'm sure Georgie gave him the ol' nod on this one. And if Georgie ends or cuts aid substantially to Egypt, their economy could collapse.
Also, this article suggests that this will now silence his critics. I disagree. I think it should add more voices to the growing list of critics of this autocratic regime that isn't a democracy in any sense of the word.
GRRRRRR...the people are coming to get you.
No votes in Nineveh: We are the new Kurds, a crushed people
Our people, the Assyrians, the original inhabitants of Iraq - whose empire preceded Babylon, many of whom still speak Aramaic, the language of Christ - have been robbed. Along with other minorities in the north of our country, the Turkmen, the Yezidis and the Shabak, we were promised democracy. But the ballot boxes never arrived. The recent elections simply passed us by, our complaints ignored, our rights trampled, by people who should know better, because we shared their experience of repression under Saddam Hussein. As a result, no Assyrian representatives will be taking their place in the new Iraqi parliament.
Want to know WHY many in my family don't like what's happening in Iraq today?
Does anybody out there care?
Will we be run over by such a cruel fate?
Will we be left completely unrepresented?
Do we even exist now?
Imagine why I am starting to begrudgingly favor Allawi as the prime minister. The only way this is happening is because of the series of unfortunate events that has come to pass. The smaller minorities in Iraq will probably be extinct because of this illegal war and no plan at all by anybody to protect them in the aftermath.
I spoke with a cousin recently. He blew my mind. He said, "We should be ashamed to be Iraqi. Iraq doesn't want the [our family name] family any more. We should all leave." Of course, how I gather, he was referring to the combination of a couple things: 1) the frustration of being mistreated by people outside Iraq (even in a working environment) once they found out he was Iraqi. He said, "People think you have chemical weapons in your pockets. Everything is normal until you tell them you're Iraqi. Then they start to treat you differently." 2) And being a part of a minority left out of the democratic process completely...as have Assyrians, Turkmen, Yezidis, and the Shabak in Iraq.
So, imagine how it feels to be one of us completely disenfranchised people now. All sides are hostile to us. We don't belong inside Iraq because we are a little cared about minority or OUTSIDE Iraq because we are still Iraqi. IT makes me angry. Very angry.
I still don't believe my cousin told me what he did. But maybe he's right. So, not only are members of my family refugees, but now we can be refugees of our own mind--if we choose to be--by simply cutting ourselves from our identities. Sure, many in my family are currently finding homes elsewhere, but we're fortunate. There are so many inside Iraq and that have been forced to leave Iraq that ARE NOT as fortunate. And I'm speaking up for us ALL.
I want to know which Iraqis, in the blogosphere or just wandering around on the internet...I want to know whom of you support us. Please let your voice be heard.
Marine escapes charges over Fallujah shooting because shooting wounded and unarmed Iraqis is even more fun than shooting armed Iraqis

You can't be patriotic if you're gay, it's against God's plan!
Nuclear Security: Georgey's gotta prop Putin up

Georgey pimpin' Putin? Or is it the other way around?
Even more probable, they're pimpin' each other.
:) liminal
Andrew Osborn reports from Bratislava. The drift I got from the BBC was that they were all smiles. It appears as though that's not the case from Osborn's perspective. -lim.
update: Maureen Dowd goes brilliant again. A must read about the hypocrisy of Georgie telling Putin about the checks and balances of democracy.
This just in: Jaafari chosen as Iraq's next Prime Minister...essentially

Mr Jaafari is soft spoken and popular in Iraq, but an Iraqi observer wondered how effective he would be as prime minister. "So far he has been all things to all men. He was against the assault on Fallujah, but he also opposes setting a timetable for American withdrawal."Let's see his true colors, then make a decision whether he'll be good for Iraq or not. Unfortunately, if he's not...it will be too late to change it. I am not thrilled in any way with the idea of how women will have a different position in Iraqi society because of the constitution to be written by the group that will be in this parlaiment. And I'm sure Iraqi women, especially urban Iraqi women, are not thrilled about this coming reality either.
Juan Cole has a mouthful to ponder about the possible parity in position between Chalabi and Jaafari. I agree with his sentiment that the playing up of his possible votes was some more political maneuvering by the parasite. I have the feeling some blackmailing is going on because he stole all those intelligence files...remember? I'll try to find a link. Putting him in charge of security or economy inside Iraq would be a great mistake.
Professor Cole also reports about some drama between Hilary and Jaafari. I remember when I saw Hilary and John McCain sitting in an outside studio in the Green Zone on one of thos Sunday political talk shows. It had this pastoral feel to it. Very eerie stuff. I was imagining how most Americans would perceive this interview, "Oh, it looks fine in Baghdad honey. They're sitting outside in the open. Look at that great non-partisan cooperation!"
All I can say is somebody better fix my friends HNK and Najma's school in Mosul. Are they still spending money on schools in Iraq, or have they shifted that account to security too?
The students of Iraq deserve much better than this. Don't you agree?
Update: This frightening update about Chalabi's role in the next Iraqi interim government from Jeanne at Body and Soul [via the Christian Science Monitor]
Over the weekend, SCIRI leader Abdel-Aziz Hakim met with Chalabi and offered to make him the top financial overseer in Iraq, responsible for the oil, trade, and finance ministries in exchange for him withdrawing, according to the SCIRI official.
Chalabi's assertiveness... may be rewarded with control of billions of dollars of oil revenue and trading contracts.I have nothing to add about this scumbag who could actually be ruining Iraq's economy and embezzling even more money directly into his family's bank account thanks to this illegal war. This is or was the Pentagon's boy? Now is he Iran's boy? Or is he a double-agent? Real smooth.
How can they let him get away with this?
Resume: GWBoosh
Today, as in 1972, the international system has a triangular shape. Then it was the US that outwitted the Soviet Union by making overtures to China. Perhaps it is now Europe's turn to outwit the US by doing the same. Or has George Bush already booked his flight to Beijing?
Kulluna lil-watan, lil'ula lil-'alam...
|Nietzsche and Ahmed
Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. -Nietzsche
America and any new Iraqi government, please be careful.
I do fear that when any new Iraqi government tries to follow up and catch terrorists or any of those whom it thinks are a source of threat, the government will reach a point where it will follow the same techniques that Saddam did in stopping those opposing him.
Amen Bob, amen...
|Hunter S. Thompson rest in peace

What? I'm not quite sure I understand yet. Hunter S. Thompson shot himself tonight. This is terrible. Why O why?
50 Questions for Alberto Gonzales

Slavoj Zizek: The empty wheelbarrow
The danger the west is courting in its "war on terror" was clearly perceived by GK Chesterton who - in the very last pages of his Orthodoxy, the ultimate Catholic propaganda piece - exposed the deadlock of the pseudo-revolutionary critics of religion: they start by denouncing religion as the force of oppression that threatens human freedom; but in fighting religion, they are compelled to forsake freedom itself, thus sacrificing precisely what they wanted to defend: the atheist radical universe, deprived of religious reference, is the grey universe of egalitarian terror. Today the same holds for advocates of religion themselves: how many fanatical defenders of religion started by ferociously attacking secular culture and ended up forsaking religion itself, losing any meaningful religious experience?
And is it not that, in a strictly homologous way, the liberal warriors against terror are so eager to fight anti-democratic fundamentalism that they will end by flinging away freedom and democracy? They have such a passion for proving that non-Christian fundamentalism is the main threat to freedom that they are ready to limit our own freedom here and now, in our allegedly Christian societies. If the "terrorists" are ready to wreck this world for love of the other, our warriors on terror are ready to wreck their own democratic world out of hatred for the Muslim other. Thus the American commentators Jonathan Alter and Alan Derschowitz love human dignity so much that they are ready to legalise torture - the ultimate degradation of human dignity - to defend it.
Does the same not hold for the postmodern disdain for great ideological causes and the notion that, in our post-ideological era, instead of trying to change the world, we should reinvent ourselves by engaging in new forms of (sexual, spiritual, aesthetic) subjective practices? Confronted with arguments like this, one cannot but recall the old lesson of critical theory: when we try to preserve the authentic intimate sphere of privacy against the onslaught of "alienated" public exchange, it is privacy itself that gets lost. Withdrawal into privacy means today adopting formulas of private authenticity propagated by the contemporary cultural industry - from taking lessons in spiritual enlightenment a to engaging in body building. The ultimate truth of withdrawal into privacy is public confessions of intimate secrets on TV shows. Against this kind of privacy, the only way to break out of the constraints of "alienated" public life is to invent a new collectivity.
Recall the old story about a worker suspected of stealing. Every evening, when he was leaving the factory, the wheelbarrow he was rolling in front of him was carefully inspected, but it was always empty - till, finally, the guards got the point: what the worker was stealing were the wheel-barrows themselves. This is the trick that those who claim today "But the world is none the less better off without Saddam!" try to pull on us: they forget to include in the account the effects of the very military intervention against Saddam. Yes, the world is better without Saddam - but it is not better with the military occupation of Iraq, with the rise of Islamist fundamentalism provoked by this very occupation. The guy who first got this point about the wheelbarrow was an arch-intellectual.
Read Zizek's piece in full
Nick Kilroy rest in peace

Before I go, I've just found out that Nick Kilroy of Zabriskie Point has passed away. Please visit his most amazing photo blog. He will be missed. out, lim.
Classic - Rainbow TV
|Nobel Peace Prize Winner: Attacking Iran would bring disaster, not freedom
It is hard not to see America's focus on human rights in Iran as a cloak for its larger strategic interests.
Chronicles of the Teflon President: The Secret Tapes, Vol. 178
As George W. Bush was first moving onto the national political stage, he often turned for advice to an old friend who secretly taped some of their private conversations, creating a rare record of the future president as a politician and a personality.
Read rest if you care. Bush didn't really have a friend in Wade, did he? What a mean thing to do...that aside, the tapes are public now. And so, it seems to me if any of these scandals (war and occupation in Iraq on false pretences, Robert Novak/Valerie Plame/forged Niger docs affair, condoning torture/Abu Graib, being a prick about almost every topic under the sun on some tapes a "friend" recorded, et al) were happening during a democratic presidency, there would be ultimate consequences for the standing president. For some reason, however, nobody seems to have to be held to account for a single mistake in the Bush administration. When will the bow break? [via Buzzflash]
UPDATE: Hear an excerpt of one of the tapes thanks to Norm at onegoodmove!
Government Accountability Office Warns Federal Agencies, Bush Administration
The comptroller general has issued a blanket warning that reminds federal agencies they may not produce newscasts promoting administration policies without clearly stating that the government itself is the source.
Twice in the last two years, agencies of the federal government have been caught distributing prepackaged television programs that used paid spokesmen acting as newscasters and, in violation of federal law, failed to disclose the administration's role in developing and financing them.
And those were not isolated incidents, David M. Walker, the comptroller general, said in a letter dated Thursday that put all agency heads on notice about the practice.
In fact, it has become increasingly common for federal agencies to adopt the public relations tactic of producing "video news releases" that look indistinguishable from authentic newscasts and, as ready-made and cost-free reports, are sometimes picked up by local news programs. It is illegal for the government to produce or distribute such publicity material domestically without disclosing its own role.
Mr. Walker, who as comptroller general is chief of the Government Accountability Office, Congress's investigative arm, said in his letter: "While agencies generally have the right to disseminate information about their policies and activities, agencies may not use appropriated funds to produce or distribute prepackaged news stories intended to be viewed by television audiences that conceal or do not clearly identify for the television viewing audience that the agency was the source of those materials."
"The G.A.O. is sending a clear message to the Bush administration: shut down the propaganda mill," Senator Frank R. Lautenberg of New Jersey said in a statement on Friday. "The G.A.O. is simply telling the White House to stop manipulating media, stop paying journalists and be straight with the American people."
The White House has ties to gay prostitution
Anyhow, GannonGate continued on the show with Senator Biden asking, "Why isn't every major network in the country investigating a security breach?" in reference to "Jeff Gannon" or James Guckart of GOP run Talon News (formerly GOP USA- not a news agency, mind you), hotmilitarystud.com, militaryescorts.com, and conservativeguy.com. He had a fake name and nobody in the press core or White House knew about it. That means security needs overhaul or there was collusion with somebody letting it happen in the WH.
For more information on this disturbing and under-reported scandal check out one of my posts from earlier that has links to videos showing said "Jeff Gannon". Crooks and Liars does the most exhaustive reportage on the matter in videos encoded online.
And quoting Stahl of 60 minutes, "How did he get a Secret Service clearance for his press pass at the White House?"
Maher suggested that "Gannon" or Guckart had a boyfriend in the White House. Funny show.
Of course, what's really bothersome is that "Gannon"/Guckart was essentially revealed as a part of the President's propaganda mill. It seems pretty obvious there was an "inside job" going on here. Karl? His lifestyle choices are his own business. [vid via onegoodmove]
Frontline causes controversy...again.
Most Americans Don't Know..
|U.S. Soldiers Taking Ecstasy
U.S. Soldiers to Be Given Ecstasy
Back in this country, the Food and Drug Administration has given the go-ahead for soldiers traumatized by their time in Iraq and Afghanistan to be offered the party drug ecstasy to help free them of flashbacks and recurring nightmares. The soldiers would take the drug as part of an experiment to see if MDMA, the active ingredient in ecstasy, can treat post-traumatic stress disorder.
New advert for the Army shall read:
Join the Army today! So you can get high tomorrow!
Or it will be the converse, an advert for Ecstasy:
Be all that you can be, by taking Ecs-tA-Sy!
Which do you prefer?
update: Guardian article, Treating Agony With Ecstasy
Pentagon Prepares To Build $130bn Robot Army
Look how positive and constructive techonology brings great things to humanity.
I can't wait for the age of no accountability.
Who needs the ICC?
Oh, but we're already living that nightmare aren't we?
The Pentagon is spending £70 billion [$130 billion] on a programme to build heavily-armed robots for the battlefield in the hope that future wars will be fought without the loss of its soldiers' lives.
The scheme, known as Future Combat Systems, is the largest military contract in American history and will help to drive the defence budget up by almost 20 per cent to just over £265 billion [$500 billion] in five years' time.
[via OMEGAPROJEKTET, via The Telegraph]
Jon Stewart's Daily Show on Bloggers 02/16/05
Friedman is lying about meeting Hariri in the 70s: Angry Arab
Thomas Friedman, it seems, not only produces silly and superficial commentaries on world affairs, but he also produces lies. Today, he talks about meeting Hariri in Lebanon in the 1970s when Friedman was covering Lebanon as a foreign correspondent. Friedman forgot to remember that Hariri was in Saudi Arabia at the time, and did not start coming to Lebanon until after the 1982 invasion of Lebanon. And the Empire of Principle (US) is now saying this: that Syria should not interfere in Lebanese affairs, and that Lebanon should hold elections without Syrian troops. That was exactly my position on Iraq: And notice that when US officials say those words, no reporters (certainly not in the US media) point the ironies and hypocrisies of the US position.
It's a great post if you have the time to read, go for it. I forgot the dear doctor is perhaps the most famous Lebanese blogger! Doh! I will add him promptly. He gives a rich review of events...and it would behoove us all to go read his commentary. Go Angry Arab GO!
DNI = Subservient Yes Man That Turns Blind Eye to Human Rights Abuses
update: Daily Kos' Armando and Billmon give some further context.

Lebanese Blogger Forum

Hello! How is everybody doing? I hope better and better. It's been an emotional time.
Here is Lebanese Blogger Forum. I will start out by listing as many Lebanese blogs I can find...a la Emigre and all my fabulous brothers and sisters at Iraq Blog Count. I would like to invite all Lebanese out there that are interested in blogging to help me. Please write me an email if you'd like to participate in spreading some Lebanese Love through this blog. Also, I urge you to send me an email [ liminalsymbol[at]hotmail[dot]com ] if you have a recommendation or want me to post a picture and/or tell a story. Of course, I hope that it's all Lebanon-related. I don't know how much time I can devote to LBF, but I hope to stimulate more interest in reading Lebanese blogs. As with the situation in Iraq, it is sometimes better to get the information directly from people from the place and culture. All expats and 1st gen'rs are absolutely welcome and needed. Right on, Lebanon.
So, without further adieu, get your Lebanon-On through the voice of its people!
I hope you enjoy and join me.
Peace ;)

I saw these terrifying images because of a comment Highlander made. And they're shocking. I tend to avoid such images. My imagination is good enough, believe me. ...similar is the fact that I cannot possibly even begin to think about seeing one of those terrible beheading videos from Iraq. No thank you. I'm not interested. I know most of what I say is against all of that...I'm just not willing to lose my lunch over such matters, you know?
So, there's no word yet from the friend that was injured in the explosion. I'll try to ask my sister about him soon. I hope he is fine, though. Otherwise...jury is still out about who did it. I came strong with an opinion when it first happened. And yea, I still hold to it, but I have more doubt. One reason is I think, "WHY would Syria do such a thing?" Besides obviously wanting to maintain economic control of Lebanon...Another thing is many people could have predicted the intense anti-Syria reaction to such an event. So, it could have been done as a political ploy by many different parties. I'm going to hold off a bit more and try to chill-out about conclusions for a bit longer. I'll come back with a more refined opinion soon. Peace, LIM
Lebanese Blogs
There are not too many Lebanese blogs out there. Lets try to change that somehow.
Who wants to help?
Attending to the Fly of the Emperor

as sweden's minister of prime stands just behind
little bush with a kind smile and wishes to smack it
Un Regard Moderne - Edition du mardi 15 fevrier 2005
US Accused of Plan to Muzzle al-Jazeera Through Privatisation
America and its key ally Saudi Arabia are being accused of quietly seeking to muzzle al-Jazeera, the Arab satellite news station that has often incurred Washington's ire for its coverage of Iraq and President George Bush's "war on terror".
And in related stories:
Media Held Guilty of Deception, by Dahr Jamail
How to get straight to the people, control the message, stage the event, Cox News Service
Bene Diction Blogs On: Accountability: Church Recruiting Update
Pop-up Windows?
Thank you,
The End of Blogging? Google Pulls The Plug
Fables of the reconstruction: The End of Blogging? Google Pulls The Plug
Military Mission
Israeli spies, Syrian obsession and a peace that had to break
We knew something was coming. I had met an old journalist colleague for coffee on Saturday and we both said we felt there was a new, menacing atmosphere about Beirut. We didn't mean the sky-high prices and the usual corruption stories, but the incendiary language in which Lebanese politics was now being conducted.
Forthcoming elections - and an attempt to change electoral boundaries that might have deprived anti-Syrian factions of parliamentary seats - contrived to heat up the controversy already begun by UN Security Council resolution 1559, principally supported by the Americans and French, which demands the withdrawal of all Syrian troops from Lebanon.
The Lebanese have no more appetite for war. The conflict which ended in 1990 destroyed their families and their homes and drained their lives of meaning. A new generation has returned from overseas educations, ambitious, irritated by the continuing sectarianism of official life as much as Syria’s much reduced military presence. But the Syrian intelligence service remains - its headquarters are in the eastern town of Aanjar - and its pursuit of Israeli spies and treachery has become an obsession.
Into this darkening scenario, Mr Hariri cast a wistful eye, seeing no evil and claiming to hear no evil. So what was his real role in the opposition? Was he merely a disinterested onlooker, gazing down from his palace walls at the small men of Lebanese politics as they bickered about gerrymandered political boundaries? Or did he have other ambitions? Yesterday proved that someone believed he did.
Again, Fisk captures everything so perfectly. He describes the situation very well. If you're curious, read the rest.
Israeli spies, Syrian obsession and a peace that had to break - Robert Fisk: 15 February 2005
The killing of 'Mr Lebanon': Rafik Hariri assassinated in Beirut bomb blast
Lebanon is built on institutions that enshrine sectarianism as a creed, in which the president must always be a Christian Maronite, the prime minister a Sunni Muslim - like Hariri - and the speaker of parliament a Shia Muslim. Anyone setting out to murder Hariri would know how this could re-open all the fissures of the civil war from 1975 to 1990.
Thousands of weeping followers of Hariri gathered outside his palace at Koreitem last night, demanding to know who had killed their leader. Hariri men toured the streets, ordering shopkeepers to pull down their shutters. Were the ghosts of the civil war to be reawoken from their 15 years of slumber? I do not know the answer. But that black cloud that drifted for more than an hour over Beirut yesterday afternoon darkened the people beneath with more than its shadow.
The killing of 'Mr Lebanon': Rafik Hariri assassinated in Beirut bomb blast - Robert Fisk: 15 February 2005
What did I tell you about the Security Council?
This is the sign, I think. Whether or not it will lead to an invasion of Syria...well, it could. I think it could. Now, some may be surprised at my position about Lebanon. Because of my family and I's experience there it is nuanced. And because I have family from practically all angles of the conflict, it is confusing for me. One thing is clear to me, though. My family has bled and suffered for Lebanon. And we wish for Lebanese independence from Syria...for a Lebanon without Syrian influence. So, you see how difficult it is for me??? I am for Palestinian self-determination, yet...YES...I think Syria needs to remove it's troops from all Lebanese lands. (Those of you who know the situation well will understand how schizophrenic this may sound...but) GET OUT, please. Of course I know this will not happen without some either careful diplomacy or all-out war. I certainly don't want another war to break out. I have tons of family in Lebanon and we're sick from war. It's a society psychically damaged from the insanity that took place during the fighting. And the sort of fighting that went on and could go on again in Lebanon is a different breed of violence. One where a brother (and I speak literally here) kills his brother.
We must avoid such a situation at ALL COSTS. THIS IS DEAD SERIOUS MY FRIENDS. I CANNOT EXPRESS TO YOU HOW FREAKED OUT I AM RIGHT NOW. DID I ever expect it to happen like this? NO, I didn't. But here we are...
You think I had a severe case of cognitive dissonance before...oh, just wait.
Reactions from Lebanon after Hariri's Assassination
These opinions are from The Daily Star story, Beirut bombing draws sorrow, fear and anger from the people
"What do all those civilians who died have to do with it? The country is collapsing for sure; those in charge in this government just want to rip each other's heads off." --Linda, 24 year old housewife
I second Linda's exact words. This is a horrific tragedy that will have serious ramifications for Lebanon. I shudder to think what will happen next.
Here are some more voices:
"This is a complete shock to me and to all of Lebanon."--Mohammed Hout, local merchant
"All of Lebanon died with Hariri." --Abdullah Shaar, 52, Palestinian/Lebanese
"It is an obvious Israeli blow to Lebanon. [The assassination] hit two birds with one stone, killing tourism in Lebanon by scaring away the tourists, and at the same time creating a political loss to the country by assassinating an elite politician like Hariri."--Issam Suleiman, 50, hairdresser
"At first I thought it was the Israelis bombing Lebanon, but after I heard of Hariri's assassination, it came to me directly that it was the Syrians. All the media has been talking about it." --Ali, medical student
"I really don't feel like talking. This is utterly disgusting. I don't care who did it, it's just disgusting. This country is definitely going into a dark tunnel.--Mohammed, 20
"They wanted to reduce his achievements, now he is reduced to nothing. They put him in a box, but he will always be alive. He will never die; we will always be faithful to his memory and his beliefs." --Mohammed Eter, doctor
"This is a total disaster for the country. He was a man of justice; a man of peace. He was the country's defense wall. Now the wall is broken, and the country's lost.--Mohammed Gholayel, local resident
"He is a Sunni and they killed him. Why are you doing this to us? What will we do now? Why don't they want us?" --Jinan Ahmad
Ereli Impressed...

We were all pleasantly surprised with Adam Ereli. We've seen this deputy spokesman from the Department of State come on many times before, but never has he spoke Arabic. This time he did. I wrote a poem about it, but I have it scribbled on a piece of paper somewhere. I'll put it up once I find it. I think it's called "An Ode to State Department Deputies that Speak Arabic."
He spoke kind of broken and simple Arabic, but it was proper and almost completely understandable. Ereli really impressed us, though, with his knowledge of Egyptian, Jordanian, and even Iraqi Arabic.
Good job DoS. Next time put somebody else. Disarm us with your sweet words. Speak to impress and there'll be peace in the Near East.
Teez'oh Sol'iff l'oh
Lebanon Bomb

I wasn't going to get into it all, but here's my armchair expert-analysis:
First, let's not kid ourselves. This is serious. And before I get to that, apparently a friend of a good friend of ours was injured very badly and is in critical condition in the hospital right now. I hope he gets better. update: It turns out that this friend of our close friend is Dr. Basil Fleyhan who was Hariri's minister of finance. They went to high school together. Here's a website you may visit to pay your gratitude to the Fleyhan family and their loved ones. I just found this out. I had no idea until now. My family's thoughts go out to him in this very difficult time. We hope and pray for him.
This is the situation: Everybody knows Rafik Hariri is both a Sunnah and basically works for the Saudis buying up tracts upon tracts of land and essentially at war with his Christian counter-part, President Emile Lahoud. This basically means Hariri works for Americans (in a sense). Now, one of the possible situations and what people around me are talking about at the present time is that when all is said and done, because of the mess caused by this bombing the US will now tell Syria to keep Lebanon in order.
Let me explain: The current American administration has bigger fish to fry now. We expect a big Christian opponent of Hariri's to be hit next. And this could spark another cycle of violence in Lebanon. Let me be frank by saying this was an extremely sophisticated attack. And it was not a mere coincidence, personal vendetta, or the fact that this guy was basically the most powerful man in Lebanon. Hariri travels in convoy with armored vehicles everywhere. Without a doubt, then, this is a carefully orchestrated plot to change things in Lebanon.
I sense, at the moment, the US is frightened at the fact they didn't get what they wanted in the Iraqi elections. The prospect of Hizbollah allying with a new axis of power, Baghdad-Tehran, is a bit too much. Imagine a Baghdad-Tehran-Damascus axis. How would America handle this? The US wants to attack a secular regime in Syria and a theocratic regime in Iran at the same time. How is that going to work?
And it could also be that Syria is forcing America's hand. Remember, Syria is controlled by the secular Baath party and President al'Assad does not want Islamic law or any sort of clerical rule in Syria. Meaning, Hariri is the opposition to the Lebanese government and Syria. So, they wanted to take him out before he could get back into power next time. (There's also some change in election law being discussed in Lebanon. Currently, a Maronite Christian must be president now. And a Sunni Muslim must be prime minister. I'll try to get more on the proposed changes at some point.)
Also, I have just heard Paris wants an international investigation in the incident because they don't trust either the Lebanese government or the Syrians. This story is developing, but it's a sign that the Lebanese government is not to be trusted for the most obvious reasons. Funny how logic works. We'll see what happens with it.
Back to the micro: Anyhow, we know Lahoud's in Syria's pocket. And we know that Hariri was a sworn enemy of Lahoud. And we know that these two were destroying Lebanon. It was almost as if they were carrying out some sick ego-game by battling one another through economic means...leaving the Lebanese populace to the wolves. And...(from comments)...Nobody wants to go back to Lebanon. It was one of the most vicious wars to ever take place. But Lebanon could be the reasoning to invade Syria by the US. Honestly, right now, I'm afraid of Lebanon burning to the ground again over external politics.
We have no idea what we could be on the cusp of. The power of the Shia is already being felt across the region. And this will only lead to more blood-shed and possible war. These are extremely disheartening times.
Could this be the return of Michel Aoun? Or will Syria be redeploying forces into Beirut at the muffled behest of America?
More later perhaps...
update redux: I just read what JC--Juan Cole--had to say about the bombing today after frantically speaking about it with friends and family for hours. And he mentions it could be related to the fact he is worth billions and because he's mafia-sketchy. In other words, something could have happpened that we have no knowledge of at all. Absolutely. This is a possibility. But, personally, I doubt it.
And it's also true that Hariri "worked" for the Syrians too. I didn't mention that before. But, yea...the reason why I said he works for America now is because he essentially rejected the way things were going in the Lebanese government last year and aligned himself more clearly with American interests. It was the case of the town wasn't big enoug for both Lahoud and Hariri. One of them had to go. And it was Hariri that resigned, yet maintained his powerful stature in Lebanon. Meanwhile Lahoud remained the president and "Syria's good boy".
I must state that my opinion as far as Lebanon goes is biased, but I've tried to remain as unbiased as possible when explaining it to you. I'm serious when I say this. It's also complicated beyond belief being from the family I'm from...so, excuse me while I try and decipher things for you. I have trouble deciphering them myself. But I know what my gut tells me. And that's all I've included here.
So, Hariri was one corrupt leader...yet Lahoud was just as bad. In ways, there is NO WAY one could come to this conclusion unless you had my experiences. No matter what way you look at it...this is a terrible thing to happen for Lebanon's peace and security and in general. I PRAY to GOD this will not get violent. It would completely destroy my heart.
We have this sort of saying..."In the Arab world when you close one hole, it opens up in a different place."
Lets hope things turn out ok. Wow...I don't believe this. I feel like the whole world is playing a terrible joke on me.
DoS/International Information Programs: Foreign Commentary on the US
** Global media more positive about elections than any development since fall of Baghdad.
** Dailies praise voters for their "courage and determination," term poll "auspicious."
** Still, "a rough road" lies ahead; some fret about possible rise of "Iran-style theocracy."
** Critics label elections "neither free nor fair," say only U.S. withdrawal can lead to peace.
Paranoia Grips US
The CIA has been sent to the doghouse. Too many CIA veterans criticized or contradicted Bush's and Cheney's phony claims over Iraq and terrorism. So Bush has imposed a new, yes-man director on the agency, slashed its budgets, purged its senior officers, and downgraded CIA to third-class status.
Rumsfeld's new, massively funded SSB will become the Pentagon's CIA, complete with commando units, spies, mercenary forces, intelligence gathering and analysis, and a direct line to the White House. The Pentagon has just effectively taken over the spy business.
The Pentagon's new spy arm will be largely excluded from Congressional oversight or media examination. Its special operations teams will roam the globe, all under cover of "deep black" missions of which no records will be kept, and no questions asked.
Equally worrying, the Pentagon's new special-ops units are headed up by notorious religious fanatic, Lt. Gen. William Boykin, who calls the U.S. Army "the house of God" and Islamic insurgents "agents of Satan." He warned Muslims, "my God is bigger than your god, which is an idol."
Boykin's command will now dispatch post-modern Christian crusaders to cleanse the world of Satanic Muslims and other miscreants...
O brother where art thou faith in man?
Chomsky: Budget attacks America's majority
If you were poor, a Native American, a small farmer or an ecologist, you probably did not vote for George Bush.
It is therefore not so surprising to find that all these sectors of society have come under attack, from the Republican administration's new fiscal budget.
However, if you were an army veteran you may have expected to escape spending cuts. But even this slice of American society, one that largely voted for Bush, finds itself the subject of financial "rollback".
"There is a very simple principle that goes a long way towards explaining decisions of the Bush administration. If some policy is beneficial to wealth, privilege and power, it should be promoted.
"If some policy is beneficial to the large majority of the population but of no particular concern (or even marginally costly) to wealth, privilege and power, it should be undermined."
Chomsky sees the budget not as a series of cuts but rather "to reorient (spending), so that it is even more focused on the interests of extreme wealth and power than before".
Before these spending hikes the United States already spent more on its military than the next 15 biggest national armies combined together. Even nuclear weaponry is set to get a boost to defend the US against "new threats, terrorism, failed states" as outlined by Condoleezza Rice in her Paris speech.
But perhaps most surprising are the cuts in assistance to US military veterans. Some of whom will who see a 114% increase in their long term drug bills, plus a one-off $250 subscription fee.
As well as a reduction in the number of nursing home places held for them. Do these cuts fit with the idea of opponents coming under fiscal attack?
"The administration's opponents are the large majority of the US population," says Chomsky. "The general 'starve the beast' strategy is hardly concealed, though few are willing to tell the truth. Namely, that the 'beast' they have in mind is the "great beast", to borrow the phrase of the Founding Fathers, the dangerous public."
Will anybody hear the screams ?
-Albert Einstein
Discussions and Posts about the Creepy church recruiting in Kentucky
1. Metafilter: "incredibly weird military recruitment drive/sermon/men's night out thing in a Baptist Church." One of my favorite link-aggregator sites has over 70 comments. What a treat.
2. Daily Kos: Here are all the pages associated with the story on dK. My diary (40), another, open thread, Alan S's diary
3. Jesus' General: My favorite new satire blog. There are 35 comments, but you'll have to go to the original post because they're haloscan comments. Nice.
4. The All Spin Zone: One of the cool things about this happening is that I've read a number of blogs I never would have otherwise. Here's a Koufax finalist. Go to the original post for 27 comments.
5. Robust McManlyPants has a post: God's Army.
6. Apostropher:
Triumph des Willens II
7. Syzygy has 30.
8. Spitting Image: an awesome blog.
9. Zentastic: Another great site I would have never known about probably. Charity Solutions and the Rapture
10. Killoggs: There's a link to a Rapture Ready discussion board. Yikes!
11. dunneiv: another cool blog. ah'riginal post
12. The infamous Billmon at The Whiskey Bar gets comparative. How cool...
13. Bilo Boffin's post
14. Bouillabaisse's post
15. Pourquoi Pas?'s post: What would fascist Jesus do? and its 15 comments.
16. Jesus loves dropping bombs on brown people. BB post.
17. Yay Hooray's BB exchange, many comments.
18. Yella Dog post and comments
19. Chaos Digest's post and comments: a good summary of my role, too
20. Nothing New Under The Sun - post and comments(22)
21. Bartholomew's Notes on Religion - Commentary, Comments, Related Stories***good one
22. What will the neighbors say? - Commentary(via Alabama!)
23. Digital Warfighter - Commentary/Comments
24. Liberal Street Fighter - Commentary&Posts
25. Rigorous Intuition - post and comments
26. Bene Diction Blogs On: Commentary, Comments, Related Stories: Very Good Post
I'll try to put more soon. I'm juggling a million things at the moment. Some life-changing things are going to happen soon. See you l8r!
Training of Iraq's security forces, crucial to any exit strategy for Britain and the US, is going so badly that the Pentagon has stopped giving figures for the number of combat-ready indigenous troops
Maybe there isn't an exit strategy.
The sleight of hand over troop numbers provoked a sharp clash during Condoleezza Rice's Senate confirmation hearings to become Secretary of State. After she quoted Pentagon figures claiming 122,000 Iraqis had been trained, she was told by Democratic Senator Joseph Biden: "Time and again this administration has tried to leave the American people with the impression that Iraq has well over 100,000 fully trained, fully competent military police and personnel. And that is simply not true. We're months, probably years, away from reaching our target goal.
Oh, great.
Pentagon covers up failure to train and recruit local security forces
5,500 US Troops flee the war in Iraq
Approximately 5,500 US Troops have deserted, gone into hiding, sent to jail and some have escaped to Canada. What if the funnel to Iraq, called Shannon Airport, were to be transformed into a sanctuary for US Troops resisting the Iraq War by requesting asylum in Ireland? asks the Indymedia Ireland:
Damien Moran of the Dublin Catholic Worker said “We encourage members of the US Military refusing to participate in this illegal war to seek asylum in Ireland. We encourage members of the US Military landing at Shannon Airport to refuse to reboard the planes bound for Iraq.
I'm sure it's only a developing story. And I'm sure it will be squashed and squashed over and over again. These snippets of the reality developing are welcome signs. Let's spread such information around always.
Thanks Keld!
EFFICIENT VERSION: Holy S**t! It's fascist picture story time!!
ps: Here's the original version.
ppssst: Also check out a short animation, with sound effects of machine guns even, advertising this "Men's Night Out" from the Porter Memorial Baptist Church website.
Here are the small versions of the screen shots I took of the original post by locomono on fark.com:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,16(original post view on fark)
I did repost them to FARK, but they seemed to have gone to TOTALFARK (the membership part of the site). I'd just like to clear that up. Thanks!
Peace to all my habbibis,
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

This first picture is the American flag clearly covering up the cross.

First off, this is absolutely true and only happened about an hour ago. I am a Christian, a republican and support the war in Iraq, but this pisses me off in ways I cannot explain even to myself. This is not a debate thread, after you read this and look at the pictures, if you post anything it will be reactions, advice, or simple opinion. I know there are a lot of military personal in this forum and I would love to here what you have to say about this but if this turns into a flame war I will be extremely upset with whoever's involved. Now on to the storyThe other day my dad tells me we're going to a "guy's night out" banquet. Innocent enough sounding, right? Well I haven't done anything that could be considered a favor for him in a long time, and it seems important to him if incredibly boring so, what the hell I'll go. He picks me up at the house around six. I nearly walk out the door about 5 times each time remembering something I've left behind, the last thing I go back for is my camera.
In the car conversation goes as awkwardly as it usually does with my dad,
"What is this thing anyway? Just sitting around card tables talking about good ‘ol days?"
"Probably not they've got one of the guys from the battle in black hawk down to talk about his time there"
Thinking to myself, at least that doesn't sound too bad, "Cool enough. Where is it, are we gonna get there on time?"
"Oh, it's right up the street at porter memorial"
So, that's kinda weird that it's at a church, but whatever. Churches are relatively cheap to rent out during the week.When we get there traffic is crazy, there must be two thousand people coming to this one church. It's kind of odd that there are three squad cars just to stop traffic and let us all in, but you know what they say, "when enough people gather together in harmony, the fuzz come to break it up"There's a humvey and black hawk helicopter sitting outside with corresponding units, half the people that are walking in with us are wearing service shirts. Whether air force, army, marines, coastguard, ambulance driver or fireman, all these guys get a check from Uncle Sam. Ok, I don't have any problems with men in uniform, unless I'm drunk outside and they're cops. A door opens and we're headed into the basement for pork barbeque sandwiches, chicken quarters, refried beans and slaw. On the way I glance guardsmen setting things up with that military motion you don't lose in civilian life until about a year out of boot camp. We tell old war stories full of gore and glory and times we almost bought the farm, as we eat. Without any of that kind of story of my own I told him about a PI named John Landrith killing three armed kidnappers with a rusty old meat cleaver to save a seven year old. It's well received in the basement of a church while we eat our Oreo minis. When our meal is done the mass is herded to the sanctuary were we watch the history channel's documentary on the events of black hawk down. When the lights come up my earlier discomfort is redoubled. I realize something is very ********ed up, and start taking pictures. What I see reminds me of footage from the third right the way patriotic imagery is thrown around bugger all. What you’re looking at is government mesh thrown over the steps to the balcony, and a huge flag covering up all but the tip of a huge cross in the first picture, and the huge amount of people sitting below various armed forces banners in the second. There was a nice POW one behind me. I apologize for the poor quality but it’s a new camera, and I’m still learning how to use it, especially in low & mixed light conditions
So, I can't help myself. I'd like to share locomono's utter disbelief and completely repost the thread in this discussion forum.
They were ready to start the show, so after a raffle for all five branches of the military t-shirts, UK basketball tickets, and Famous Dave’s BBQ coupons(the caterer), we were subjected to a really shitty Rockapella group wearing camo with cackies, and singing mixed Christian rock and patriotic numbers.

About then I was given a bulletin. Roughly the same time they had all active members of the armed forces stand up for aplause, then all former members, then the fathers of active members (Remember this is supposed to be a father son thing, guilt trip anyone?)

Then our state National Guard ceremonially presented colors, i.e. this is now a military function. I think they were the only ones that didn’t say that pledge of allegiance, but maybe their lips moved and I didn’t hear it. I was way back. This was the first time in my life I said the pledge of allegiance with any hesitation at all. I guess I don’t like doing it in a place of greater allegiance, especially when it only barely has “under god" in it anymore. Right after when the shity Rockapella group sang the national anthem a couple people shouted “Amen!” at the end. I started to get sick right then.

After that, they had guys wearing the traditional US uniforms over time walk out in order while scenes from a Jesus movie I cant recall played. I was never aware of voodoo style witch doctors, or Indiana Jones being members of our military (far left and second from right respectively in the first pic). I think it’s kinda funny that unless I’m wrong that fellow on the far left of the second pic is wearing a confederate uniform. I know it’s ridiculously bad taste but yes, that really is Jesus on the cross in the first picture…in behind our troops. When the final modern troop stepped out too the front and center he thrust his rifle one handed into the air to shouts of approval, the Jesus footage was still playing, and at that particular point even my dad was uncomfortable.

At this point Captain Sturecker preached to us in full dress uniform about his early faith was based in fear of going to hell, but now he doesn’t need to fear death, and about his experiences in the black hawk afair. In particular he prayed after his first drive back to base (If you‘ve seen the movie, he was the humvee driver with the injured man on strecher in the back. He was also the guy that said, “The difference in between heroes and cowards isn‘t the fear it‘s what they do with it”), and after that even though the vehicle was shot to hell, he had no casualties. He even watched an RPG barely miss its’ mark and deflect off his hood. Every word of this might be true, but it was also part of a “The lord will protect you in the military” themed sermon. I have never had both respect and disgust for a single individual with such volume in my life. When I asked him for a picture with him holding the same bible he is in the sermon picture I think my attitude came off as “fan boy”.

Here’s a close-up of the Marine donated supplies they made such a big deal about. They were effectively his pulpit.
Mike could you do me a favor and open a thread where-ever we do debates these days, and link it. I would really apreciate it. I mean this as more of an informational, and reation thread, but it should be discussed
BTW no, I'm not done. It still gets worse

Even as I had already taken these photographs of something that I clearly know is wrong, hell we ended with “I‘m proud to be an American”, after a sermon and a combined rendition of all the services anthems. I was conflicted. I knew, and know that almost all of the people I’m depending on to bring this to light disagree with me on virtually every issue. I wasn’t going to release this unless they were recruiting. They were.
Jesus himself only got mad once. It was because merchants were using the church to sell their wares, he flipped their tables, seized a whip, and attacked them. This day the answer to “what would Jesus do?” is grab one of the m-16s laying around and start kneecapping.

This is a close up of strucer's nametag just to make sure I got the name right, and the tag on the recruitment dummy, as they both attach at least two people involved with this mess.

As I leave you with the final images I plan to of two of the ancient flags that surrounded the stage, and The banner at the front door I have to express regret that even a very small portion of my country is as religiously militaristic as the whole world already believes it to be. I myself think of this as a huge fuster cluck of the balances that are already there being missed.
If you have any questions feel free to IM or PM me. I have huge 5 mega pixel raws to prove it was me.

[enter ME, Liminal, once again]
I'm truly speechless. This is very significant. This has to be illegal. How can this be?
s u n r i s e

See, Speak, Hear No Evil
River blogs about elections, the stories, the timetable for withdrawal, and women
We’re hearing about various strange happenings at different voting areas. They say that several areas in northern Iraq (some Assyrian and other Christian areas) weren’t allowed to vote. They also say that 300 different ballot boxes from all over the country were disqualified (mainly from Mosul) because a large number of the vote ballots had “Saddam” written on them. In other areas there’s talk of Badir’s Brigade people having bought the ballots to vote, and while the people of Falloojeh weren’t allowed to vote, people say that the identities of Falloojans were temporarily ‘borrowed’ for voting purposes. The stories are endless.
In spite of that, we’re all watching for the results carefully. When the ‘elected’ government takes control, will they set a timetable for American withdrawal? That would be a shocker considering none of the current parties would be able to remain in power without being forcefully backed by America with tanks and troops. We hear American politicians repeatedly saying that America will not withdraw until Iraq can secure itself. When will that happen? Our current National Guard or “Haress il Watani” are fondly called “Haress il Wathani” or “Infidel Guard” by people in the streets. On top of it all, to be one of them is considered such a disgrace by the general population that they have to wear masks so that none of them can be identified by neighbors and friends.
“Please dress appropriately next time you come here.” The man said to me. I looked down at what I was wearing- black pants, a beige high-necked sweater and a knee-length black coat. Huh? I blushed furiously. He meant my head should be covered and I should be wearing a skirt. I don’t like being told what to wear and what not to wear by strange men. “I don’t work here- I don’t have to follow a dress code.” I answered coldly. The cousin didn’t like where the conversation was going, he angrily interceded, “We’re only here for an hour and it really isn’t your business.”
“It is my business.” Came the answer, “She should have some respect for the people who work here.” And the conversation ended. I looked around for the people I should be respecting. There were three or four women who were apparently ministry employees. Two of them were wearing long skirts, loose sweaters and headscarves and the third had gone all out and was wearing a complete “jubba” or robe-like garb topped with a black head scarf. My cousin and I turned to enter the room the receptionist had indicated and my eyes were stinging. No one could talk that way before the war and if they did, you didn’t have to listen. You could answer back. Now, you only answer back and make it an issue if you have some sort of death wish or just really, really like trouble.
Young females have the option of either just giving in to the pressure and dressing and acting ‘safely’- which means making everything longer and looser and preferably covering some of their head or constantly being defiant to what is becoming endemic in Iraq today. The problem with defiance is that it doesn’t just involve you personally, it involves anyone with you at that moment- usually a male relative. It means that there might be an exchange of ugly words or a fight and probably, after that, a detention in Abu Ghraib.
If it’s like this in Baghdad, I shudder to think what the other cities and provinces must be like. The Allawis and Pachichis of Iraq don’t sense it- their families are safely tucked away in Dubai and Amman, and the Hakeems and Jaffaris of Iraq promote it.
At the end of the day, it’s not about having a Sunni or Shia or Kurd or Arab in power. It’s about having someone who has Iraq’s best interests at heart- not America’s, not Iran’s, not Israel’s… It’s about needing someone who wants peace, prosperity, independence and above and beyond all, unity.
It's becoming more and more difficult for me to hold back my emotions regarding Iraq.
Watch for more candid-talk from me.
I'm sick of being nice.
L to the L
The Incredible Joe Wilson Speaks Out at the Daily Kos
SusanG: How did the interview with Gannon come about, given that it was a small-time conservative news outlet?
Ambassador Wilson: Gannon called me and identified himself as the White House Correspondent from Talon News, a conservative news organization. He wanted to do a wide-ranging interview on my position on the war as well as the Niger mission and the leak.
While I had never heard his name or the name of his organization before, I was happy to do it. I have long felt that it is readers and viewers of conservative media who could benefit from a more balanced discussion of what is at stake in our policy and the actions of our government. At one point I recall Gannon as saying he was a traditional conservative (distinguishing himself from the neoconservatives, who in my judgement have totally captured our foreign policy). Speaking to the Times and other mainstream media is fine but those readers and viewers are generally better informed and often of the same perspective. It is those on the other side to whom we need to address the issues even more than to those with whom we already share views.
SusanG: Did you enter the interview fearful of "landmines" being set by the other side?
Ambassador Wilson: I never thought that I had anything to fear from landmines. I told the truth from the beginning. There was never anything to hide.
SusanG: Were you struck immediately during the course of the interview by the fact that he discussed the internal memo?
Ambassador Wilson: As to the memo, I knew nothing about it other than a Post journalist had told me there was one circulating which he characterized as having been written by somebody who was not at the meeting where I was asked if I would be willing to go to Niger. The fact is Valerie was not at that meeting. Neither she nor I had any ulterior motive in this. It was not until almost six months later that I began to speak out on the war question and even when I did, I always believed that WMD was a legitimate reason to be tough on Saddam. The trip to Niger is only relevant because of the 16 words and the fact that the only evidence to support the yellowcake charge the US turned over to the IAEA (as they were required by Article 10 of USUN 1441) were those forged documents relating to Niger. The only information the British apparently shared with the IAEA was a trip to the region by an Iraqi diplomat a couple of years previously. As it turned out, the CIA had told both the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and the White House almost four months before the State of the Union address that it believed the British had "stretched" or "exaggerated" the yellowcake allegation. All of that was in the Senate report but unfortunately, was overlooked by the mainstream media.
Back to the memo, when Gannon mentioned it to me, I told him I knew nothing about it but repeated that my wife was not at the meeting at which the subject of a trip to Niger was broached with me. I may have mentioned that I had heard that there was a memo out there but had no other knowledge about it. I still don't.
SusanG: Are you comfortable letting it be known that you've spoken with me?
Ambassador Wilson: I have no problem with your saying you have spoken with me. I have no reason not to ensure that the truth is told and I am tired of the way in which the Republicans have smeared my family and myself for no reason other than to perpetuate their lies to the American people. I did not like fascists when I fought them as a diplomat for 23 years and I don't like them now in my own country.
And here are the rest: Daily Kos :: Plame & Propagannon: Joe Wilson Speaks Out
No War on Iran!
No War on Iran!: Mission Statement
The escalated public discourse about a possible military attack on Iran has alarmed many Iranians in Iran and its diaspora. As Iranians who are concerned about the implications of a war on our country, we have created this weblog to build a platform for preemptive dissent. In addition to our concerns about the fatalities of war, we are also troubled by the suppression of dissent in the U.S. and in Iran, and believe that war profoundly perpetuates civil repression.
Carnival, Mardi Gras, or Iraq?
|Anger is an energy -P.I.
Daily Kos :: Valerie Plame Leak Timeline II... the case is made (Gannon)
Via Marie at the kos: Pentagon to broadcast to millions of U.S. homes
The U.S. military is to beam its own news coverage to millions of Americans.
Moving on from its phase of embedding journalists, or as some would say, 'a policy of restricting and controlling the flow of information,' the Pentagon will now produce and disseminate the news itself. It will be beamed to the public at no charge. The service will emanate from what is known as the Pentagon Channel, an internal public relations television unit within the Department of Defense. It was set up nine months ago.
The government-run TV service will be channeled to the public through EchoStar Communication's Dish Network which will offer the Pentagon Channel to its more than 11 million viewers on a no-cost basis. Programming will appear on the network's public interest channels and will operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Dish viewers will be kept up to date with current military news and information including Department of Defense news briefings, military news, interviews with top defense officials, and short stories about the work of military people.
'We appreciate Dish Network's decision to carry the new Pentagon Channel on their satellite TV system,' said Defense Department spokesman Larry Di Rita. 'Their support helps us fulfill our mission of providing timely military news and information.'
[via Marie @ daily Kos]^ [via big news network]
Pentagon to broadcast to millions of U.S. homes
CROOKS AND LIARS...that's only the tip of it.
What can I say? I love Joe Wilson and Valerie Plame. I hate imaginary news reporters like JD Guckert... or was it Jeff Gannon? So watch John Aravosis of AmericaBlog on Aaron Brown. How do they get away with it time after time and still remain in office? These crooks and liars...
And won't Karl Rove go to jail or be fired or something? Why? Because & Because & Because & Because we demand answers...
Crooks and Liars
and here's an 8.9MB (bigger version for those of you broadbanding).
I'm a sucker for satire.

Indeed, I'll say that again. I'm a sucker for satire, so please visit Jesus' General...excellent! And he even linked me. Whomever says, "how could you approve of such an image after taking the kentucky church-recruiting fiasco so seriously?" IT'S SATIRE, not a place of worship. And, well, you obviously don't know me.
And ANYBODY that has anything (even a blogad) about the late senator Paul Wellstone, gets my vote. Boxer and Wellstone would have formed the dynamic duo, or rather like Vultron, if he was still alive. That is a terrible terrible loss for not only the United States, but for the entire world.
Oh, now I'm sad all of the sudden. Let me go to the onion or something.
CBFTW: This blog is no longer a blog written by a soldier...
It's too bad he feels restrained to not write as he did before. That's a damn shame. I hope everybody's well. All is well on the eastern front this fine day...
Of course, the same cannot be said for the near-east. Expose the lies that hypnotise the masses' who are asses eyes.
This blog is no longer a blog written by a soldier.
It's written by somebody, who wanted to be a soldier, and was a soldier, and fought the best that he could while a soldier, in Iraq, who served his fucking country, and is now a civilian. And is O-U-T.
And it's also written by somebody who is too scared to post anything up on this blog, for fear that no matter what he says or writes from here on out, will either come off as, 'self-absorbed' and/or 'whiney.'
As for 'Soldier's Mom' who said...
'I'll probably read the Esquire piece but not sure I want to read the book -- on the fear that it will have been edited and sanitized to appeal to a broader audience...'
All i can say to you is, other than spelling and grammar, the books not going to be 'sanitized' to appeal to the masses, AT ALL.
And the people that know me best, know, that I would never do anything to appeal to a 'broader audience.'
And I intend to keep it that way.
The way I look at it, is either people will 'get it,' or they wont.
And that’s the way it should be.
Masters of Blog
Check out Daily Kos, definitely check out Norm at onegood move, and please give Fark.com a big "what the fark is up?! ya still farkin' around?" And my hat is entirely off for locomono for bringing this out of the woodwork in this manner.
Oh, incidentally, this is my Daily Kos diary.
I love Senator Barbara Boxer.
Or click here to listen!
PMBC Men's Night Out January 28, 2005: some more mileage out of the insanity of church-recruitment in kentucky
Check out this short animation, with sound effects of machine guns even, advertizing the "Men's Night Out" where that insane pictoral account of military recruitment in a Kentucky church that I caught on Fark.com via locomono (see screenshots if you missed it).
PMBC Men's Night Out January 28, 2005
Who is Jeff Gannon? MSNBC's Keith Olbermann Reports. Video via Norm and Onegoodmove!
our breath sometimes catches upon sighs azif on rungs
of ladders on stilts in skies so high
we wander and plunder our souls so nigh
because if we were to stumble from depths above
to the bottom of the sea into a coral of love
we would have no chance at survival intact
at best, our bones would be broken in bits, it's a fact
sometimes we wonder why we can't fall soft
from these skies we traverse in our minds so aloft
from the sun to the earth our bodies may break
but if one lands on the other, one body may take
whom would you let land on you?
whom would you sacrifice everything to?
when we go along we hope we may find
a person so strong that can be landed on,
oh but really, if i were so unbecomingly romantic
i'd put a line like "i'm in a love so frantic"
that i'd die for you and cry boo hoo
yea, sure, that's what we really want to do
so, again, when we go along we hope we may find
a person to let land on one's forgiving behind
so they'd be sure to survive in the rough reef below sight
that comprised of love until the wet dust you did bite
(3 1/2 min steam of consciousness speed poetics, you like?)
Please Listen to Zeyad
Now that the euphoria of elections day has worn out, many Iraqis sense that the political future of the country is a bit more clear than it was before January 31. Immediate steps should be taken by the interim government, with the assistance of the international community, to arrange an urgent conference for Iraqi national reconciliation.
Invitations should be open to all Iraqi political and social groups, regardless of their repsective ideologies and their current stand from the occupation and the ongoing political process in the country. It is also essential that this conference includes elements of the former political order if possible, provided that they have not committed crimes against Iraqis whether in the past or in the present, as well as delegates from the largest and most influential tribes in the dissident areas and senior clerics from all over the country, encompassing religious and sectarian differences.
Many political groups that boycotted the elections are now softening their tone and are sheepishly asking for a role in the political process, trying as much as they can to save face at the same time. The Association of Muslim Scholars, the Pan-Arab, Nasseri, and Socialist movements, the Khalisi group and the Sadrists are among the first groups to call for such a role. Had there been no elections, this could not have been possible.
There is already a consensus among the different political powers that drafting the permanent constitution should not be done solely by the elected National Assembly. This in order to safeguard the interests of the part of the population that did not participate in the elections and to reassure Iraqis that everyone has a say in their future. No longer will one group, no matter how large its support base, dominate over others.
I truly hope that Iraqi politicians realise this and can work to achieve it, leaving aside their personal interests and differences for one moment, putting the prejudices of the past behind them, and listening to what Iraqis have to say. For it is Iraqis, and Iraqis alone, that are the key to solving this whole mess.
Apart from a minority that would rather burn down the country than see someone else in power, I am confident that most Iraqis are weary of all the violence, chaos and bloodshed. It is therefore the utmost duty of Iraqi politicians, the occupation authority and the international community to seize upon the moment and to quit beating around bushes.
It is time to involve the Iraqis themselves, to give them the final word. Iraqis do not wish for their country to be a "frontline on the war of terror", as Bush recently stated. Iraqis do not wish for their country to be a battleground for reactionary bearded cavemen waging their holy wars. Iraqis do not wish to be fuel for the wars of neighbouring countries. Iraqis want to live and let live. Iraqis want what you have.
# posted by zeyad : 2/9/2005 07:49:33 PM
Healing Iraq
.tiff screenshots of the Church Recruitment Incident from Fark.com
You might need a quicktime plug-in to view them in your browser.
Peace to all my habibbis,
This is old news now but I don't check the Electronic Intifada as much as I should.
Laura Reanda follows the campaign by various Zionist organisations, led, it seems, by the World Jewish Congress, to conflate anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism and to have both anti-Zionism and anti-semitism specifically condemned by the UN.
And neither do I, it seems. Missed it completely.
Jews sans frontieres: More on Zionism, anti-semitism and the UN
An Iraqi nationalist party is needed
When it comes to the elections held in Iraq on 30 January, the greatest confusion among the American people is in failing to understand Iraqi nationhood.
There are practically no US citizens who think of themselves as being Protestant, Catholic or Jewish before they think of themselves as Americans.
When it comes to Iraq, though, Americans have been educated to think that all Iraqis think of themselves first as members of a Muslim sect, and only then as Iraqis.
The difference is crucial, in that the erroneous assumption is leading President George Bush, the US government, and American intellectuals on a path that ends with a break-up of Iraq into three independent states, one Kurdish, one Sunni and one Shia.
Iraqi nationalism is indeed a force that has been both misrepresented by the media and underplayed as an important concept in civil life. By keeping the fabric of civil life in Iraq so torn for so long, it feels as though this American administration has designs on destroying Iraqi nationalism. I could be wrong, but this could be a part of the grand plan for the region. I think Iraqi nationalism is stronger than such designs though. Good luck trying to destroy it. Because in the end...I'm telling you: there is no way. Simple as that folks.
Also, this will be a great segue into the NY Times book. I believe in many ways the NY Times not only misreports US foreign policy. It also tries to pull the ol' this is reality to the masses, when in fact...it's NOT! For instance:
While the influential newspaper The New York Times editorially inveighed against such division after the elections, its commentary pages have been hospitable to those who are advocates for division.
On 1 February, Peter Galbraith, a long-time advocate of Kurdish independence, was given the lead space in paper to repeat his call for division.
The very next day, Leslie Gelb, president emeritus of the influential Council on Foreign Relations, repeated his argument that "the only workable government would be a confederation with three largely autonomous regions".
I might have been of a similar mind had it not been for my contacts in the US intelligence community who assured me that the most powerful political force in Iraq is nationalism, not sectarianism, and this explains the election turnout better than anything we have been reading and seeing in the news media.
The "S-Factor" ...or "The Sadr Factor"...or "The Whether You Like It Or Not Factor": No matter what you think of Muqtada Al-Sadr, he has shaped up to be quite the fiesty nationalist. And because he is from such an influential family, people will also gravitate toward him. Moreover and with my deductive reasoning at its dullest, I have the feeling that if things get really rough with more electricity and water cuts, lack of security and martial law, not to mention the fact that there are no jobs and schools are still in complete disrepair...then you have a recipe for (drum roll)...A NATIONALIST UPRISING! And that's when the troops will get kicked out of Iraq. So, improve Iraqis lives or face the ultimate consequences. Yea, I said it. And many Iraqis out there know it's true...and don't even try to tell me I'm a "firebrand cleric sympathizer". Because one of the very last things I want is mass chaos in the streets. The situation now will seem like a complete cake-walk to what could develop. And that's why I stay up night after night after day after day blogging (when I have the chance... even when I don't have the chance), trying to get some word out about the possible hysteria we could be facing. And then if Iran happens? Forget about the "Roadmap" in Palestine and Israel. And probably forget about oil getting out of the gulf, too. The possibilities for the region and the world are frightening. Perhaps it's being too sensitive to the issues and too pessimistic for some to stomach. But frankly, I don't give a rat's ass. That's how I feel and I'm gonna say it until it gets through somebody's--even one person's--head.
And yes, I'm an Iraqi Nationalist damnit! I'm American too! So screw my shoe. And I'm an American Nationalist in many ways, yet so so ashamed of this awful excuse for a government. I don't like the way things are headed at all. Where are our Thomas Paines??? Where are our Martin Luther King Jrs??? Ted Kennedy or John Kerry are supposed to fill such large shoes? Sorry, no dice.
"Say huh?! I'm confus'ed...Iraqi Nationalist and American Nationalist? How is that possible?" Well, IF you could push the little daisies up through your skulls maybe you'd realize WE live in a globalised world. And I am a product of the process our world is going through each day. You better get used to it baby. Like Hanan Ashrawi said...let's have a more humanized globalisation. And I hope I see the day where there is some form of global democracy. Then I'll know my children will be safer then I can imagine them being at the moment.
So, the Iraqi electorate...yes, I like the sound of that (esp. when it means something...unfortunately now, it doesn't mean as much as it eventually should). So, the Iraqi electorate were offered essentially sectarian slates of anonymous candidates to elect in order to form their constitution. This is a dangerous game that is being played out. I guarantee it.
Here's Wanniski again:
Stephen Pelletiere, a former CIA analyst of Middle East affairs who has been following developments while in retirement, some years ago explained to me that for most of Iraq's history since the break-up of the Ottoman Empire after the second world war, sectarianism was the rule, nationalism only nascent.
It will, of course, look like a puppet government to the insurgents.
It was only during the eight-year war between Iraq and Iran that nationhood took root and blossomed, as Shia, Sunnis, Kurds and Turkmen fought shoulder to shoulder to defend their secular government against Tehran's call for Shia fundamentalism in a theocratic state.
I believe this is true, or the people of Iraq of all sects would not have submitted to the cost in lives to defeat the Iranians. And that includes the Kurds, 85% of whom fought against Tehran's attempt at the time to spread theocratic fundamentalism across the Islamic universe.
It is true that early in the war, many Iraqi Shia deserted to the Iranian side, believing they would be welcomed with open arms, but they were thrown in POW camps instead.
As Iraqi and Iranian Shia encountered and killed each other in battles over Shia cities such as Basra, the spirit of nationalism must have taken hold as the Iraqi soldiers chose to defend the homeland instead of laying down their arms to welcome their "fellow" Shia from Iran.
With this perspective, it immediately becomes clear why the elections were essentially meaningless: The way the balloting was constructed, there was no venue for an expression of Iraqi nationalism. There was no nationalist party.
The electorate was offered essentially sectarian slates, and even those were created either by Iraqi exiles who had sided with Iran during the war that gave birth to Iraqi nationalism, or which were identified with clerics such as Ayat Allah Ali al-Sistani, an Iranian by birth who will be biased in favour of a theocratic state or something close to it.
The only nationalist on the scene, the cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, sat out the election and so did his nationalist followers. The American press played it incorrectly as a boycott by Sunni Muslims, but it was rather an abstention by Iraqi nationalists. Al-Sadr is of course a Shia, but first and foremost he is a nationalist.
The New York Times reported for several weeks that al-Sadr was negotiating with Ahmad Chalabi, another Iraqi exile who had sided with Tehran in the war, but obviously nothing came of that.
It was preposterous in any event to think al-Sadr would team up with a man he would have to see as a quisling. Chalabi not only teamed with the Iranians, but was an architect of the American war against his own country.
The very idea that the American-appointed prime minister of the interim government, Iyad Allawi, would hold a similar post in the new government arising out of the elections is ridiculous, but of course that is what the Bush administration is negotiating to achieve.
It would simply confirm to the Iraqi nationalists that the US agenda is a permanent imperialist outpost in Baghdad, to manage the oil regions and protect Israel against any threats real or imagined, come what may.
One of the things we always tend to forget when we get "good news" from Iraq, as there appears to be with the voter turnout, is that as bad as Saddam Hussein may have been in his 30 years in power, the number of Iraqi men, women and children who died as a result of US sanctions and war - to rid Iraq of weapons of mass destruction that it did not have - is in the order of one million, or one out of every 20.
The way the balloting was constructed, there was no venue for an expression of Iraqi nationalism. There was no nationalist party.
This is why Americans had to hope the weapons inspectors would find WMD and the imminent threat they would pose to the region and the world. That alone would have undermined the anti-war arguments and given justification for the invasion and the dozen years of killing sanctions.
The president and supporters of the war can celebrate the election, but they in no way alter the facts on the ground. The election was meaningless.
AND NO, okay...I don't believe the elections were entirely meaningless. They were certainly psychically significant for a great number of people. And that I am both happy and proud of...but that's NOT the point people. It's how elections were constructed and made out to be the savior of the people. Sorry, but elections cannot feed a single person. Not yet. That's only for highly developed social welfare states in Scandanavia, isn't it? In fact, as we've seen, some people were threatened with their already meager food rations to be taken away if they DIDN'T vote. Do you believe that crap?
Ok. I might as well put the rest of "Hey" Jude's article:
I have rarely agreed with Senator Ted Kennedy on any major issue, but he is positively correct when he says there will be no chance of improvement in Iraq until the United States is gone.
The internet is now bristling with reminders of Vietnam and how the national elections there in September 1967 offered so much promise of victory. For example:
US Encouraged by Vietnam Vote: Officials Cite 83% Turnout Despite Vietcong Terror
by Peter Grose, Special to The New York Times (9/4/1967: p. 2)
WASHINGTON, Sept 3 - United States officials were surprised and heartened today at the size of turnout in South Vietnam's presidential election despite a Vietcong terrorist campaign to disrupt the voting. According to reports from Saigon, 83 per cent of the 5.85 million registered voters cast their ballots yesterday. Many of them risked reprisals threatened by the Vietcong.
The size of the popular vote and the inability of the Vietcong to destroy the election machinery were the two salient facts in a preliminary assessment of the nation election based on the incomplete returns reaching here. Pending more detailed reports, neither the State Department nor the White House would comment on the balloting or the victory of the military candidates, Lieut. Gen. Nguyen Van Thieu, who was running for president, and Premier Nguyen Cao Ky, the candidate for vice president….
Before the results of the presidential election started to come in, the American officials warned that the turnout might be less than 80 per cent because the polling place would be open for two or three hours less than in the election a year ago. The turnout of 83 per cent was a welcome surprise. The turnout in the 1964 United States Presidential election was 62 per cent.
What do I expect now? It will be another several days before the interim government announces the election results and some while before the prime minister and vice presidents are chosen.
It will, of course, look like a puppet government to the insurgents. Can it be turned around? Perhaps, but that would take a nationalist movement, the likes of which we have not yet seen emerge.
Jude Wanniski is a former associate editor of The Wall Street Journal, expert on supply-side economics and founder of Polyconomics, which helps to interpret the impact of political events on financial markets.
Let me ask you a few questions: What would you do if you were invaded by a foreign force and things got worse and worse? Now, what would you do if you invaded yourself? Although all the dissonance I experience on a daily basis is real, my mind is clear. How? It takes some work, but I manage. I wouldn't be of any use to anybody if I let myself lose focus of what matters. And I'm personally not experiencing half of the agony many Iraqis are currently experiencing. But because I have a great deal of family that are indeed going through each and every terrifying moment of this insane war, I have a large stake in it. And I take my privelege of living the life I do seriously. Who said that wise thing..."If we can change ourselves, we can change the world"? So like wittle bitty Samwise Gamgee (sp?) in the toughest of times, I believe there is some good left that is worth saving...in both myself and others. And I'm trying my best to do my part first inside, then out,
An Iraqi nationalist party is needed
To give a person one's opinion and correct his faults is an important thing. It is compassionate and comes first in matters of service. But the way of doing this is extremely difficult. To discover the good and bad points of a person is an easy thing, and to give an opinion concerning them is easy, too. For the most part, people think that they are being kind by saying the things that others find distasteful or difficult to say. But if it is not received well, they think that there is nothing more to be done. This is completely worthless. It is the same as bringing shame to a person by slandering him. It is nothing more than getting it off one's chest.
To give a person an opinion one must first judge well whether that person is of the disposition to receive it or not. One must become close with him and make sure that he continually trusts one's word. Approaching subjects that are dear to him, seek the best way to speak and to be well understood. Judge the occasion, and determine whether it is better by letter or at the time of leave-taking. Praise his good points and use every device to encourage him, perhaps by talking about one's own faults without touching on his, but so that they will occur to him. Have him receive this in the way that a man would drink water when his throat is dry, and it will be an opinion that will correct faults.
This is extremely difficult. If a person's fault is a habit of some years prior, by and large it won't be remedied. I have had this experience myself. To be intimate with all one's comrades, correcting each other's faults, and being of one mind to be of use to the master is the great compassion of a retainer. By bringing shame to a person, how could one expect to make him a better man?
Holy S**t! It's fascist picture story time!!
Update x3(*place) & clarification: .tiff screenshots of the church military recruitment drive that locomono went through[via fark.com screenshots below], not me! There seems to be a bit of confusion with some people thinking I went to the church in *Lexington, Kentucky, because they didn't read the post all the way through or click on any of the links!
So people don't think I'm independently inventing anything. I still had the window open when I noticed the whole thread went down. So I took screen shots as proof. Here's where these pictures originate via locomono's post on Fark.com :
You might need a quicktime plug-in to view them in your browser.
I did repost them to Fark, but they seemed to have stayed on Totalfark (the membership part of the site). I'd just like to clear that up. Thanks!
Peace to all my habbibis,
* * * *
I'm just going to post two pictures first and the story. I'll comment more later; one thing though: What is the difference between Muslims trying to defend their homeland by recruiting from mosques and Christians trying to defend their homeland by recruiting from churches? And this is coming from an old school Iraqi Assyrian Orthodox Christian. In plain speak, I think both are wrong any way you cut it. This absolutely blows my mind. This is another one of those whatever happened to the separation of church and state moments. Onward Christian soldier.

This first picture is the American flag clearly covering up the cross.

This picture apparently shows banners of the various branches of American Armed Forces hanging from the pews.
Now here's the story told by a self-proclaimed Republican, remember...locomono, whom I completely agree with besides the fact he supports the war:
First off, this is absolutely true and only happened about an hour ago. I am a Christian, a republican and support the war in Iraq, but this pisses me off in ways I cannot explain even to myself. This is not a debate thread, after you read this and look at the pictures, if you post anything it will be reactions, advice, or simple opinion. I know there are a lot of military personal in this forum and I would love to here what you have to say about this but if this turns into a flame war I will be extremely upset with whoever's involved. Now on to the story
The other day my dad tells me we're going to a "guy's night out" banquet. Innocent enough sounding, right? Well I haven't done anything that could be considered a favor for him in a long time, and it seems important to him if incredibly boring so, what the hell I'll go. He picks me up at the house around six. I nearly walk out the door about 5 times each time remembering something I've left behind, the last thing I go back for is my camera.
In the car conversation goes as awkwardly as it usually does with my dad,
"What is this thing anyway? Just sitting around card tables talking about good ‘ol days?"
"Probably not they've got one of the guys from the battle in black hawk down to talk about his time there"
Thinking to myself, at least that doesn't sound too bad, "Cool enough. Where is it, are we gonna get there on time?"
"Oh, it's right up the street at porter memorial"
So, that's kinda weird that it's at a church, but whatever. Churches are relatively cheap to rent out during the week.
When we get there traffic is crazy, there must be two thousand people coming to this one church. It's kind of odd that there are three squad cars just to stop traffic and let us all in, but you know what they say, "when enough people gather together in harmony, the fuzz come to break it up"
There's a humvey and black hawk helicopter sitting outside with corresponding units, half the people that are walking in with us are wearing service shirts. Whether air force, army, marines, coastguard, ambulance driver or fireman, all these guys get a check from Uncle Sam. Ok, I don't have any problems with men in uniform, unless I'm drunk outside and they're cops. A door opens and we're headed into the basement for pork barbeque sandwiches, chicken quarters, refried beans and slaw. On the way I glance guardsmen setting things up with that military motion you don't lose in civilian life until about a year out of boot camp. We tell old war stories full of gore and glory and times we almost bought the farm, as we eat. Without any of that kind of story of my own I told him about a PI named John Landrith killing three armed kidnappers with a rusty old meat cleaver to save a seven year old. It's well received in the basement of a church while we eat our Oreo minis. When our meal is done the mass is herded to the sanctuary were we watch the history channel's documentary on the events of black hawk down. When the lights come up my earlier discomfort is redoubled. I realize something is very ********ed up, and start taking pictures. What I see reminds me of footage from the third right the way patriotic imagery is thrown around bugger all. What you’re looking at is government mesh thrown over the steps to the balcony, and a huge flag covering up all but the tip of a huge cross in the first picture, and the huge amount of people sitting below various armed forces banners in the second. There was a nice POW one behind me. I apologize for the poor quality but it’s a new camera, and I’m still learning how to use it, especially in low & mixed light conditions
So, I can't help myself. I'd like to share locomono's utter disbelief and completely repost the thread in this discussion forum.
They were ready to start the show, so after a raffle for all five branches of the military t-shirts, UK basketball tickets, and Famous Dave’s BBQ coupons(the caterer), we were subjected to a really shitty Rockapella group wearing camo with cackies, and singing mixed Christian rock and patriotic numbers.

About then I was given a bulletin. Roughly the same time they had all active members of the armed forces stand up for aplause, then all former members, then the fathers of active members (Remember this is supposed to be a father son thing, guilt trip anyone?)

Then our state National Guard ceremonially presented colors, i.e. this is now a military function. I think they were the only ones that didn’t say that pledge of allegiance, but maybe their lips moved and I didn’t hear it. I was way back. This was the first time in my life I said the pledge of allegiance with any hesitation at all. I guess I don’t like doing it in a place of greater allegiance, especially when it only barely has “under god" in it anymore. Right after when the shity Rockapella group sang the national anthem a couple people shouted “Amen!” at the end. I started to get sick right then.

After that, they had guys wearing the traditional US uniforms over time walk out in order while scenes from a Jesus movie I cant recall played. I was never aware of voodoo style witch doctors, or Indiana Jones being members of our military (far left and second from right respectively in the first pic). I think it’s kinda funny that unless I’m wrong that fellow on the far left of the second pic is wearing a confederate uniform. I know it’s ridiculously bad taste but yes, that really is Jesus on the cross in the first picture…in behind our troops. When the final modern troop stepped out too the front and center he thrust his rifle one handed into the air to shouts of approval, the Jesus footage was still playing, and at that particular point even my dad was uncomfortable.

At this point Captain Sturecker preached to us in full dress uniform about his early faith was based in fear of going to hell, but now he doesn’t need to fear death, and about his experiences in the black hawk afair. In particular he prayed after his first drive back to base (If you‘ve seen the movie, he was the humvee driver with the injured man on strecher in the back. He was also the guy that said, “The difference in between heroes and cowards isn‘t the fear it‘s what they do with it”), and after that even though the vehicle was shot to hell, he had no casualties. He even watched an RPG barely miss its’ mark and deflect off his hood. Every word of this might be true, but it was also part of a “The lord will protect you in the military” themed sermon. I have never had both respect and disgust for a single individual with such volume in my life. When I asked him for a picture with him holding the same bible he is in the sermon picture I think my attitude came off as “fan boy”.

Here’s a close-up of the Marine donated supplies they made such a big deal about. They were effectively his pulpit.
Mike could you do me a favor and open a thread where-ever we do debates these days, and link it. I would really apreciate it. I mean this as more of an informational, and reation thread, but it should be discussed
BTW no, I'm not done. It still gets worse

Even as I had already taken these photographs of something that I clearly know is wrong, hell we ended with “I‘m proud to be an American”, after a sermon and a combined rendition of all the services anthems. I was conflicted. I knew, and know that almost all of the people I’m depending on to bring this to light disagree with me on virtually every issue. I wasn’t going to release this unless they were recruiting. They were.
Jesus himself only got mad once. It was because merchants were using the church to sell their wares, he flipped their tables, seized a whip, and attacked them. This day the answer to “what would Jesus do?” is grab one of the m-16s laying around and start kneecapping.

This is a close up of strucer's nametag just to make sure I got the name right, and the tag on the recruitment dummy, as they both attach at least two people involved with this mess.

As I leave you with the final images I plan to of two of the ancient flags that surrounded the stage, and The banner at the front door I have to express regret that even a very small portion of my country is as religiously militaristic as the whole world already believes it to be. I myself think of this as a huge fuster cluck of the balances that are already there being missed.
If you have any questions feel free to IM or PM me. I have huge 5 mega pixel raws to prove it was me.

And if you still try to tell me this administration will not attack Iran, there is no way I would remotely believe you. And I even question how they will manage to do such an insane thing. Instead of a draft (at least for the mean time), we have such sick invasion of places of worship? I am not sure which is worse. Wow...wow...wow.
I'm truly speechless. This is very significant. This has to be illegal. How can this be?
-Lao Zi
out, lim
Become a conscientious objector

WINTHROP, Maine — A 22-year-old veteran from Peaks Island, Maine who was granted conscientious objector status from the Army last November is taking to the Internet to share what he learned with others. Perry O'Brien, who served a tour in Afghanistan as an airborne medic before he was honorably discharged, on Saturday launched his online guide - http://www.peace-out.com - at a Winthrop Area People for Peace breakfast at the Winthrop Congregational Church.
"The Army doesn't make this information widely available, and many soldiers don't even know that the option of CO (conscientious objection) is available to them," O'Brien said. "This is a comprehensive, online resource for COs. We're already talking to three soldiers on how to avoid all the pitfalls."
Excellent work Perry. I salute you.
Peace OUT,
File on 4: BBC tells how $9 billion was stolen from Iraq and Iraqis...
And here's George Monbiot's report in tomorrow's Guardian, Fraud and Corruption: Forget the UN. The US occupation regime helped itself to $8.8 bn of mostly Iraqi money in just 14 months
It proves companies of Halliburton's ilk behave like Saddam, stealing from the Iraqi people. Shame on you, shame on you. Each of you that benefit off the blood of innocent Iraqi women and children may be classified as walking abortions.

This Military Police officer gives her candid opinion of Iraqis at Camp Bucca in video-diary style.

This is the 160th Military Police battalion handing over responsibiliity to the 105th at Camp Bucca on October 30th in Animal House style. (well, it is a re-enactment.)
Making Iraq look more like a frat party each and every day! Between Abu Ghraib's naked cheerleader pyramids to mud wrestling military policewomen, this is more like a sadist Animal House than the military service I would imagine including discipline and honor. The irony of it all. But really, excellent recruitment method for America's young and bored of GTA - San Andreas.
Inside Camp Bucca - A military policewoman's video diary
US Plans Were For $1 Billion Occupation Compound
If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.
Democracy is only an incubating idea when dissent isn't a part of its fabric. If it takes the master fascist propagandist taking the ills of existence with a crippled foot out on humanity to understand this unfortunate malaise we currently wad through, so be it. Sometimes I wonder if he'd have been a strong healthy blond Aryan, whether he would have been so effectively ruthless in his methods. I have the feeling with Geobbels that part of what drove him to succeed, if that's what you want to call it, was his fear of not belonging and his fear of being labelled a bourgeois intellectual who studied closely under a renowned Goethe scholar who happened to be Jewish, Friedrich Gundolf.
These are fascist times indeed. The lie that became common currency and led to the most recent war--and the one I can related quite intimately with this quote--was Iraq had weapons of mass destruction...even worse, Iraq had nuclear weapons. I wish the teachers of Bush Inc. were a bit smarter than Goebbels'. Ironically enough, it is by virtue of their stupidity that they are able to continue governing and not have to accept any responsibility for the mess they've made. Who are the teachers of this group anyway? Reality remains a forthought for their ilk...their likudnik ilk. And I have no reason to believe the sincerity of Condi or anybody in the administration's statements regarding Palestinian self-determination and statehood. Nor do I believe for a moment there will not be permanent bases in Iraq for the foreseeable future. And this will prevent true Iraqi self-determination. Please, at least be smart enough and read your history. I recommend Al-Wardi.
I'll be getting to the NY Times book soon. I've been a bit under the weather. Hope everybody's doing well.
The El Salvadoran Animal

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The Stink on the Stink of Abrams
O'Reilly lies? oH how could that be possible???
|A feminist mission?
"You go into Afghanistan, you got guys who slap women around for five years because they didn't wear a veil," Mattis said. "You know, guys like that ain't got no manhood left anyway. So it's a hell of a lot of fun to shoot them."
Iran is next, they just don't want you to know it
according to rumsfeld [via bbc]
Gonzales and Abrams appointed to Bush's cabinet
1. Alberto Gonzales : memo to the President about torture, so he condones torture, and Abu Ghraib!
2. Elliot Abrams : lied to congress, then pleaded guilty to withholding information about the Iran-Contra affair...um, criminal?...oh and he currently praises the hardline policies of the Israeli prime minister, Ariel Sharon.
Conclusion: Republican loyalty hurts America and the world.
Include the number of Iraqis civilian deaths in "Iraq: the Human Cost" section on MSNBC.com
MSNBC.com has a section called "Iraq: The Human Cost" http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3359080/ , ironically the list contains only coalition deaths during the war. We the undersigned think that all Humans are equal and when we count the human cost of this war we do not look at their passports.
We ask MSNBC to solve this by including the Iraqi civilian deaths in this list, We think that we should honor all who lost their life during this war, and more importantly those who are paying the price even though they are not fighting the war. That's what "Human cost is"
Include the number of Iraqis civilian deaths in the Human cost section of Iraq war on MSNBC.com
Something Special For My Iraqi and Near Eastern Brethren

Masqah Gate, Nineveh
I'll do a translation of this once I start feeling better. It will put a smile on the face of practically all Arabic speaking persons. But I dedicate this to Iraqis. No matter how critical I may be on this blog, I have a great hope deep inside of me for Iraq and its future. And the only reason is because of Iraqis. If it were up to me, all of Iraq would become a world heritage site. But the people living and breathing right now are its most precious assets.
Anyway the poem you may download is a joke, sure. Ahmed Isma3el, the man with a 100% Iraqi accent drops some wisdom. And it is very sarcastic. He pegs the double standard about the Iraqi/Palestinian situation being committed by Al Jazeera. Namely about 1) elections 2) Human casulties: everybody thinks elections in Palastine is OK, but in Iraq its not. Meanwhile, both countries are under occupation!
Palastinians are martars, Iraqis are not. So he has chosen this way as a protest. But I don't agree with everything he says. In fact, I don't rather much like the statement about Americans being "liberators not occupiers". But it is still funny and so true in many regards.
So, enjoy and let me know what you think.
Here is the poem.
It's about 600k in mP3 format and worth every second of the wait. Right click and 'save link as' if you want a copy for yourself!

Looted Artefact (returned)
MY WAR: *** press release ***
G.P. Putnam's Sons to Publish U.S. Army Soldier and Blogger Colby Buzzell's War Experiences on the Ground in Iraq
Monday January 31, 2:46 pm ET
According to Esquire Magazine: 'The most extraordinary writing yet produced by a soldier of the Iraq war ...'
NEW YORK, Jan. 31 /PRNewswire/ -- G.P. Putnam's Sons is publishing the personal experiences of twenty-eight-year-old U.S. Army soldier Colby Buzzell. His book, My War, will offer uncensored stories that bring home the chilling realities of war. Buzzell's incisive reportage and brutally honest take on the war were first filed as entries in a web log, My War, that he created as a way to tell the world about what was really happening in Iraq. Buzzell's book will delve further into his personal experiences as a 20-something soldier in the line of fire.
Putnam will publish the book in hardcover in fall 2005, with a paperback edition to be published by Berkley in 2006.
Before enlisting in the Army at age twenty-six, Colby Buzzell (now twenty-eight) was living in California, jumping from one low-paying job to the next. He joined the military because he was "sick of living my life in oblivion." After he was deployed to Iraq, he quickly discovered that his life would never be the same again. On the ground near Mosul with First Battalion, 23rd Regiment, toting heavy weaponry amidst "guerilla warfare, urban-style," Buzzell was disturbed by how the war he was fighting was being reported - both by major news agencies and soldier-written blogs. In June 2004, Buzzell started his own blog, My War, and it offers a glimpse of his innate ability to chronicle the essence of war and its powerful impact on him and the world.
Mr. Highfill commented, "My War is already being compared by some early readers to the classics of combat and youth ... Heller's Catch-22 and Herr's Dispatches."
I wish you all the best Colby. Thank you for your candid and brilliant writing. PEACE and FTW, LIminaL
MY WAR: *** press release ***
Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Iraq: Here is something special for everybody.
|Iraq rules out US troop pullout
Chalabi Cons His Way to the Top, Americans Don't Mind
* * * * * * * * *
This really is pretty incredible. From Jack Shafer's Slate column today, via Atrios:
[MSNBC Hardball host, Chris] Matthews: Wait a minute. When you say—Judy, when you say administration, do you mean the alliance party leadership or Allawi over there, the current prime minister? Who are you talking about?
[NYT reporter Judith] Miller: We are talking about the administration officials who have been reaching out to …
Matthews: You mean Americans?
Miller: ... [Ayatollah] Sistani's—yes, American officials who have been reaching out to Sistani's party. Because Dr. Chalabi is on that list.
Matthews: So where—so we have an election over there. And the same day we're holding an election, the same week, we are plotting which ministries to give to Chalabi, the guy who talked us into the war in the first place.
Miller: No, no. There were expressions. There was apparently an effort to determine whether or not he would be interested in assuming a certain portfolio.
Matthews: Why are we in the business of deciding or even negotiating cabinet ministries in a foreign government?
Miller: No. Well, you know, Chris, first of all, this is just one report. But I think what is very clear, according to people I talked to today, is that they have been attempting to mend fences with him. Now understanding that as a tent [phonetic transcription] on that Sistani list, the Shia list, he will be an important person in Iraq. And I think that there will have to be a lot of rethinking on the part of the Americans with whom they want to deal.
Matthews: … the idea that the man who won his country back through the vice president's office, Ahmed Chalabi, finds his way now through all this electoral process to end up as oil minister or finance minister, as you say, interior minister—and I think he has higher ambitions than that—makes the electoral process come down to the guy who started the war, ends up winning the war, irregardless of how people vote over there.
Miller: Well, you know, I think the interesting thing was the up and down, was the kind of rise and fall of Ahmed Chalabi in this administration. On one hand, in the beginning, he was the person supported adamantly by the Defense Department. He was opposed by the State Department and the CIA …
Matthews: Right.
Miller: ... who said he had no popular support in the country...
Matthews: Right.
Miller: ... and he wouldn't be able to hold a coalition together. We've now seen that, in fact, he played a pivotal role in putting together, helping to put together the list which we don't know yet, but it may very well have done extremely well, if not won the vote.
War and Piece:
Two perspectives on Iraq from RAND
By fighting terrorists in Iraq, does America reduce the likelihood it will have to fight them in the United States? It is an appealing idea to a nation that continues to worry about another 9/11, but on careful analysis the argument does not stand up.
Taking the fight to terrorists abroad — as America did by invading Afghanistan and by continuing efforts against terrorists worldwide — makes sense. But Iraq is a separate and special case, because many of the combatants killed or captured by American and allied forces in Iraq are insurgents created by opposition to the U.S. invasion itself. They have little to do with the jihadists that the United States has been actively hunting since 9/11, although some have been converted to al-Qaida's ideology since joining the resistance.
Iraq is not a geographic front line through which terrorists must pass physically to reach American shores. We are not heading them off at the pass. The jihadists and their recruiting reservoirs are dispersed throughout the populations of Asia, the Middle East, North Africa, Europe, and to a lesser degree North America. They are inspired by al-Qaida's ideology, but they are also fired up about local issues.
Fighting in Iraq is not so distracting to the jihadist enterprise that it is unable to prepare and carry out terrorist attacks elsewhere. Al-Qaida was never a highly centralized operation. Under intense pressure for the past 39 months, it has further decentralized. Local jihadist operatives are doing more on their own. Since 9/11, jihadists have carried out major terrorist attacks from Bali to Madrid, on an average of once every two months, not counting incidents in Russia or Iraq. The pace of terrorist operations has not slowed a bit since the invasion of Iraq.
True, some of the foreign jihadists who showed up to fight in Iraq might have been candidates for operations at home had there been no war. But their numbers do not appear to be great, and most are from countries adjacent to Iraq.
Taken literally, the argument that battling terrorists in Iraq averts battling them in America and elsewhere assumes there is roughly a fixed number of terrorists in the world. Following this logic, when U.S. officials say that three-quarters of al-Qaida's leaders have been killed or captured, or when they talk about the total number of terrorists detained worldwide, we could simply subtract this number from the ranks of those who are plotting to attack the United States and elsewhere. Unfortunately, this is not the case.
Counting terrorists is slippery business. The jihadist population itself is dynamic. Recruiting has continued successfully since 9/11 — some analysts believe it has increased as a consequence of the terrorist attacks. And opinion polls among Muslims suggest that growing antipathy toward the United States is expanding the jihadists' recruiting reservoir.
At the same time, terrorist losses are continuous. In addition to those killed and captured, some of those who went through the training camps claim to have decided right away that al-Qaida's brand of jihad was not for them. Others, no doubt, have dropped out in the years since they attended training.
Jihadists also vary in their level of commitment. Some are willing to serve as martyrs, while others are willing only to provide passive support, prompting terrorist leaders to complain of substandard zeal.
That leaves us with a terrorist population that is simultaneously expanding and eroding, and whose individual members are constantly recalibrating their level of commitment.
The “fighting them there, not here” school of thought makes sense if one conflates the threat posed by terrorists like Osama bin Laden with that of hostile tyrants with nuclear ambitions like Saddam Hussein. Although claims of a prior relationship between al-Qaida and Hussein have been largely abandoned, the argument assumes inevitable (if not demonstrable) links.
This is the core belief underlying the “global war on terror,” which views the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and escalating terrorism as a single threat. It presumes that proliferating states — reluctant to use nuclear or other unconventional weapons themselves and risk retaliation — will hand the weapons over to terrorists, who are likely to use them against U.S. targets.
On his recent visit to Baghdad, British Prime Minister Tony Blair offered a more nuanced interpretation of the connection between the fighting in Iraq and the fight against terrorism. “If Iraq becomes a stable, democratic country able to defeat terrorism here [in Iraq] — which is the same kind of terrorism that we face the world over — if we can defeat it here, we deal it a blow worldwide,” Blair said. Putting aside the crucial “if” in the prime minister's statement — and forgetting for the moment that the current terrorism in Iraq is a product of the invasion itself — this argument sees terrorism in Iraq and worldwide as a single phenomenon that nonetheless can be dealt a blow in Iraq.
The most ambitious and optimistic proponents of the fighting-them-there thesis would reach further, arguing that only by profoundly altering the Middle East's political situation from failed states and corrupt tyrants to the stable, democratic allies envisioned by Prime Minister Blair can the United States ever hope to defeat terrorism. According to this line of thinking, political change brought about by armed might in Iraq will spread from Baghdad to Damascus, Tehran, Riyadh, Cairo and beyond.
Ironically, this is exactly the way the jihadists see the non-Muslim world, making no distinctions between U.S., Israeli, Indian, Serbian and Russian policies. And they similarly call for expansion of the jihad, urging their followers to fight now instead of waiting for the infidels to invade the jihadists' countries.
Some might even say, “Fighting the infidels in Iraq means not fighting them here.”
RAND | Newsroom | Commentary | Iraq: Not Terrorist Central: "Brian Michael Jenkins deflates the idea that battling terrorists in Iraq averts battling them in America
The Iraqi elections could consolidate support among Sunnis for the insurgency, increase violence and channel the fighting that results along ethnic and religious lines. That's because Iraq's present electoral system will award representation to each province based not on its population but on the number of voters who actually reach the polls. So Baghdad and the Sunni triangle will be at a serious disadvantage. Violence there is extraordinarily high and voter participation is likely to be correspondingly low.
It's probably too late to fix the Iraqi electoral system in order to make it more like that of the United States, but it's not too late to fix the consequences after the election. The new parliament and government can be adjusted to reflect the country's real population. Iraq can avoid escalating civil war if the upcoming elections are followed by negotiations for power sharing.
The Sunni and Kurdish minorities should be offered an enduring share in governance and they should have guarantees that the Shia majority cannot govern in an exclusive and discriminatory fashion. Sunni leaders should be offered positions in the government and additional seats in the legislature commensurate with their share in the population even if there's a low voter turnout in Sunni parts of the country.
This sort of power-sharing agreement ended earlier bloody civil wars between Christians and Muslims in both Lebanon and Bosnia. Unfortunately, the electoral results are likely to make such power sharing more difficult. They're likely to give the Shia an even larger majority in parliament and to make the Sunni an even smaller minority, but even so, moderate Shia leaders will have considerable incentives to share power. They want to hold Iraq together, they want to avoid a bloody civil war and they want to expedite an eventual American withdrawal. They cannot hope to achieve these objectives without some accommodation with the Sunnis.
The United States has a comparable interest in this outcome for exactly the same reasons, but maneuvering the Shia, Sunni and Kurdish communities toward that outcome will require an extraordinarily quiet and skilled diplomatic campaign. Some may accuse the United States of subverting the results of a free election. Others will say we're supporting the very community most opposed to our presence in Iraq, but the 60 to 90 days after this month's elections will be pivotal for Iraq's future.
If the electoral winners can be persuaded to share power with the losers, they will have a chance to convince a significant element of the Sunni community to support the government. Then moderate and democratic Iraqis will have a chance to hold their country together and to avoid the kind of ethnic cleansing and genocidal violence that we saw in Lebanon in the 1980s, in Bosnia and Kosovo in the 1990s and we see in Sudan today.
For the sake of everybody, let's hope the elections don't make things worse. I'd like to still think there is a small chance, if interactions are both precise and well-meaining, to save Iraq from a worse fate than the present state.
RAND | Newsroom | Commentary | Upcoming Iraqi Elections Could Make Ethnic Strife There Even Worse
Shakespeare and Depleted Uranium
Heat not a furnace for your foe so hot
That it do singe yourself.
William Shakespeare (1564-1616)
Here is a report in html or pdf, called US Nuclear Policy and Depleted Uranium given at the testimoney on June 28, 2003 of the Public Hearing for the International War Crimes Tribunal on Afghanistan and written by Leuren Moret, President of Scientists for Indigenous People, City of Berkeley Environmental Commissioner, and past president of the Association for Women Geoscientists.
In it I have found a source online that gives notice in 1991 about the use and effects of Depleted Uranium in the first Gulf War. It is used as support for this report. Go to the last page of the report where the bibliography is located to find the sourcing. Here is the classified memorandum from Los Alamos:

It's been 14 years. Do you think they've figured out whether or not Shakespeare is right yet?
Sami Ramadani: The Vietnam turnout was good as well
George Bush and Tony Blair made heroic speeches on Sunday implying that Iraqis had voted to approve the occupation. Those who insist that the US is desperate for an exit strategy are misreading its intentions. The facts on the ground, including the construction of massive military bases in Iraq, indicate that the US is digging in to install and back a long-term puppet regime. For this reason, the US-led presence will continue, with all that entails in terms of bloodshed and destruction.
In the run-up to the poll, much of the western media presented it as a high-noon shootout between the terrorist Zarqawi and the Iraqi people, with the occupation forces doing their best to enable the people to defeat the fiendish, one-legged Jordanian murderer. In reality, Zarqawi-style sectarian violence is not only condemned by Iraqis across the political spectrum, including supporters of the resistance, but is widely seen as having had a blind eye turned to it by the occupation authorities. Such attitudes are dismissed by outsiders, but the record of John Negroponte, the US ambassador in Baghdad, of backing terror gangs in central America in the 80s has fuelled these fears, as has Seymour Hirsh's reports on the Pentagon's assassination squads and enthusiasm for the "Salvador option".
An honest analysis of the social and political map of Iraq reveals that Iraqis are increasingly united in their determination to end the occupation. Whether they participated in or boycotted Sunday's exercise, this political bond will soon reassert itself - just as it did in Vietnam - despite tactical differences, and despite the US-led occupation's attempts to dominate Iraqis by inflaming sectarian and ethnic divisions.
Guardian Unlimited | Guardian daily comment | Sami Ramadani: The Vietnam turnout was good as well
up the date:
Commercial being aired by moveon
Ad in NY Times:

Latest on Alberto "Judge Torture" Gonzales:
German Prosecutor Asked to Investigate Gonzales Role in Abu Ghraib War Crimes