
Iraki Podkast?

I'll be Irakasting for you soon. This is just a test kast. You can subscribe to my feed by clicking on the XML button in the sidebar or right here...

If you just wanna pick up my podkast, just enter the following into any podcast aggregator like ipodder or doppler: http://feeds.feedburner.com/ShlonkomBakazay

Cut and paste baby!

You can then easily configure your aggregator to introduce the MP3s into iTunes, Windows Media Player, or another media player you may have...to then be uploaded to your handy portable player to take with you to the top of Mount Everest er somethin'. Isn't that special?

In the future, hit my Mainline if you want to get to the main link of that particular post or a direct link to the podkast for the day.

I'll be undergoing some changes. You'll understand as things develop.

Pass the humus,


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