
Relevant or what? UN & Iraq: Internationalism Needed More Than Ever

I am a firm believer in International Law and we are in dire need of Internationalism. Here's the UN's site dedicated to it.

The Global Policy Forum monitors policy making at the United Nations, promotes accountability of global decisions, educates and mobilizes for global citizen participation, and advocates on vital issues of international peace and justice.

How can we make internationalism a more effectual process that yields positive and tangible results? What steps need to be taken to form global consensus that ensures the peace, security, and fundamental rights of each person? Will we ever see a world where an American life is worth as much as a Congolese life? It is a vision worth pursuing with persistence and non-wavering stances of principle and through positive actions. And those dedicated for a just world must not be deterred, discouraged, or deceived by false promises and pretexts given by a few morally bankrupt individuals that choose to use fear as a weapon against their own population for their short term gain...for their self-interest.

I say, Love over fear. Differences should be celebrated. They should not be the premise for alienation. They should be the premise for internationalism.

Here are a few links more. Do we need a new International Body? Or is an adapting UN enough to meet the demands and challenges we are now confronted by?

Arundati Roy, in Mumbai, said "Iraq is the culmination of imperialism and neoliberalism." While it rings true, she also says that "the resistance" [in Iraq] must be joined by those people of the world who are against the economic/foreign policies [imperialism and neoliberalism] that have made American primacy and many of its people apathetic. (And many others poor, without jobs, and a future.) But I feel a call for solidarity with the Iraqi people must be the first thing both said and carried out through action [by the supportors of Roy and herself] before making such bold statements. For, it isn't her that suffered all these years. The Iraqi people are tired and want peace...and to move on with their lives. At the same time, they need only little rest to recover and resist an occupation. After shunning the UN and International Law with such impunity, the US now needs the UN to serve as their puppet once more. And if that will save Iraqi lives...I cannot say I am unequivocally against this happening in the short term. Democracy is something that is going to take more than a summer or even 5-10 summers to take an acceptable form. But if you get off the wrong foot, then there is no turning back from very terrible events that could pass. So, I urge, however small a voice I have now...that people in the corridors of power think clearly and with the interest of the Iraqi people in mind when treading over dangerous political waters these next few weeks. It will only be for the betterment of all humankind. The re-colonialization of Iraq cannot be allowed. An Iraqi life is worth as much as an American life. If this is not applied on the ground soon (as it hasn't thus far), then one can only fear for the worst. There are no excuses. Soldiers are not trained to be peace-keepers. They are trained to kill. And this pointless loss of life because of the unacceptable lack of trust between the virtual (green zoners) and the reality (people of the neighborhoods of Baghdad) must stop.

You cannot liberate a people by killing them. What do you say to the "liberated" people that died in the (poor intelligence) "decapitation attack" on a residential neighborhood? "You died for the freedom of your Mother, Father, Son, Daughter." Preventive war has proven its polarizing capabilities. And yes, most Iraqis were against Saddam. And we are anxious to see him brought to justice. Indeed, most of us were directly affected by him or his cronies. Why doesn't America have a public trial so the people of Iraq can heal and the truth can come out? Oh, that would reveal too much, though.

I was against Saddam and I was against the war because of my fear of "the shock and awe" that claimed the lives of thousands upon thousands of innocent people (as albright famously said once, as collatoral damage), no matter how "smart" these inanimate objects and yes, American WMD. Honestly, Iraqis inside and outside thought that it was going to be much more closer to an Armageddon situation thanks to your "successfull" psychological operations. And now...now, I have accepted this new freedom with much caution and I am against this occupation that brings tyranny into the living rooms of innocent Iraqis on a daily and hourly basis. I resent the fact that Bush makes Iraq into what he calls "the frontline" in "The War on Terror." We knew, and they knew, that this would be a consequence of the war. So, don't cut-and-run, but don't outstay your welcome. That's enough. Iraqis have endured enough and all the American Administration's promises to both Iraqis and the World appear to have been empty lies. So it is America's obligation and in America's greatest interest to ensure a bright future for the next generation of Iraqi children.

I hope that democracy takes hold in Iraq, but this cannot be a hit-and-run, drive-thru democracy like Bush and his minions would like it to be. "Enduring Freedom" is haki fadi...a joke, if they do not have elections. So, it's a catch-22...but some improvisation is in order. There is the UN World Food Program that ran their most efficient operation in Iraq over the last 12 years of low scale daily attacks and sanctions. People needed their ration cards to survive. And there are hand dyes...so, do what ever it takes. And do it now. Have elections as soon as possible. And don't even try to appoint a government in any manner, especially with exiles that have not been in the country during the last 45 years. One suggestion to soldiers: take your sunglasses off and look Iraqis in the eyes when you talk to them.

News Focus: Iraq

Annan's statements on Iraq (latest on video)

UN Multimedia


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