He's baaaaaaaaaaaaaaack...
19:44 | Posted by
liminal |
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You didn't think I was going to let this one slip by, did you?
Col. Steven Boylan , Petraeus' spokesman. "He has a lot of energy."
Yes, indeed, a lotta energy to fuck things up.
And he will continue to fuck Iraq if he is given the opportunity.
Unbelievably, it looks like he's going to get that opportunity by the imbeciles in DC calling the shots still.
After all the damage he's caused...
Col. Steven Boylan , Petraeus' spokesman. "He has a lot of energy."
Yes, indeed, a lotta energy to fuck things up.
And he will continue to fuck Iraq if he is given the opportunity.
Unbelievably, it looks like he's going to get that opportunity by the imbeciles in DC calling the shots still.
After all the damage he's caused...
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